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Messages - Rainbow

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VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: DeathCobra - Halcyon
« on: November 05, 2024, 12:45:04 PM »
Been meaning to review this thing properly, a bit later than I wanted but it is what it is. First of all I want to say it was a pleasure to be a small part of the process and helping with some spot knowledge where I could. Cenotaph was a great return from the legend but after entering your discord I knew something similar or even better was going to come eventually. The dedication to big air stunting you have is something I genuinely cannot comprehend, I would rather stab myself with one of those knives from Allbeasts reviews than attempt some of these things for so long. That 280ft attempt clip from Barney seemed like an absurd idea to even entertain and here we are.. Put that spot to rest before anyone would even think about it being doable. Honestly inspiring and seeing this video released motivated me to go for the harder things I have remaining. Definitely thanks for that. And if you don't mind give me a RADs lesson  :ninja:

This review was also made possible by the 30fps version. Only my first time watching it was in 60fps and I wish that was different. YES I'm a stubborn old luddite but it just isn't it and looks floaty to the max. I'm glad some people enjoyed the 'progress' but without a 30fps version I would've rewatched this so much less. Let's all refuse change please. Okay end of my little rant.

Onto the video itself! Seen most of the stunts before so there were not many surprises, but there were two obvious surprises that got me super hyped.

[0:47 - 1:08] - VC - Natbump: Obvious spot that people didn't even start trying because it seemed too outrageous, awesome job. The stats honestly surprised me when I saw the ISB, less than I expected. Having to hit the edge to stop sounds like a nightmare.
[1:09 - 1:16] - SAiVC - Backbump to Prec: One of my favorites, cool spot and even better execution.
[1:17 - 1:26] - VC - Bump to Grind to Boat: Think I said this before but not a fan. Boat also doesn't really add anything for me, just not my cup of tea. I prefer Daffy's stunt from the boat to the same rail for example.
[1:27 - 1:40] - VC - Airport P2B: Now this is one I love seeing in the video. Obvious idea that I've seen people get close to and you nailed it. Those first two camera angles really add to it. Odd to see that slight slip when going over the packer and still landing it. Speed for daysssss I guess  :P
[1:41 - 1:47] - SAiVC - Natbump to Highway: This was one of the first stunts for the video right? Like it a lot and would be a standout in basically every collab but here it gets almost overlooked which is a funny thought.
[1:48 - 1:55] - VC - PSM to Helipad: Great improvement to the stunt from WviMis, definitely like it and finally a clean landing from the ground up of that helipad.
[1:55 - 2:05] - SAiVC - Wall Bonk to 360 to Wallride to Grind: Didn't know I was watching a SA video? Good looking stunt, nice job.
[2:07 - 2:15] - LC - Bump to Krail to Double Grind: Great execution on this one and a great improvement to the old Eddeman stunt. Hopefully this stunt can be a small reminder to fckr that he has unfinished business that needs to be released.
[2:16 - 2:24] - SAiVC - Double Krail to Grind: Also one of the first stunts for the video right? Told you it was old by Neo in Relapse and you added some nice spins but that doesn't really do it for me. It's a great execution though obviously, cannot get any better than that basically.
[2:26 - 2:33] - LC - Tankbump: Good to finally see this done legitimately after all this time. One of the best moments of the video for me when the song kicks in and you look at that rotation all the way up. Monolith opener vibes. Absolutely sick.
[2:35 - 2:43] - SAiVC -  BSM to Prec: Slightly annoyed it was landed with that super odd PSM set-up after you had already done this since this is so much better. Hats off since I hate to try BSMs. Great job.
[2:44 - 2:57] - SAiVC -  PSM to BB Grind: I think I'll have to try this just to feel how hard it is since it took you a long time from what I can recall. Sooo many bails against that wall  :cheersad: Also a spot many people saw but nobody ever really attempted. I guess that's already an indication of the difficulty I think haha.
[2:59 - 3:07] - LC - Natbump to BB: This run-up nicely shows how you are able to move a bike around. Full control, awesome job.
[3:07 - 3:23] - LC - Tower P2B: After seeing Gryzlek get close to this in ways that would want to make you rip your hair out it was nice to see it done. One of the most obvious spots left in LC I reckon but it's pretty limit with the speed obtainable. Amazing.
[3:25 - 3:40] - VC - Curb Bump to Curve Grind: Not the biggest fan but that grind was far longer than I expected it to be when I first saw the clip. Good job.
[3:41 - 3:55] - VC - Corked P2B: Another stunt that I loved seeing done legitimately. Such a good looking stunt and patiently waiting for the bails and close attempts you got here. And what a great shot before the main clip, really shows the sheer height. Highest ISB landing in the VC map, sick.
[3:56 - 4:08] - VC - Drop Bump to Wallride to Grind: Another one of my favorites. Great spot and great (packerless) execution. Could've fit in a fckr video which is a high praise in my opinion. It's hard to find a great new grind in VC these days and that's one removed from the list of possibilities for sure.
[4:09 - 4:16] - VC - Double Bump: Toyed with this idea but never actively tried it, awesome job.
[4:17 - 4:24] -  LC - PSM to Crane Prec: I know there were camera issues or something like that but I'm not a fan of that being the main angle of such a sick stunt. Will give this one a go for shits and giggles but I have no illusions of actually sticking that landing  :lol: One of my favorites for sure. Dedication paid off big time.
[4:25 - 4:25] - LC - Skimmer MAG: Didn't have this on the bingo card but you went and executed Barney's idea on this spot. Madlad. 10/10
[4:36 - 4:45] - SAiVC - CSM to Prec: I'm soooo glad this made it in. Only thing missing on my wishlist is that freeway stunt :P Would've liked to see a normal camera angle of this, made the stunt less impactful not seeing the height of it. Maybe my favorite stunt of the video although I'm not enjoying the idea of the look on your face when I reminded you of this stunt for the 100th time after you had seemingly already landed it but kept it secret  :ninja: 11/10
[4:46 - 5:08] - LC - Dam Grind: Again one of those spots people know but cannot land. And not bailing at the end on top which took many many extra hours I believe. Absolutely sick grind. Camera angle made it look smaller than it is.
[5:09 - 5:22] - SAiVC - Bump: The legendary spot itself made it in after an amount of time I cannot comprehend. That first shot of the bike flying through the air between the building would look nicely framed on your wall :P Definitely one of the best natural bumps ever done if not the best ever. I also know this song very well so I was slightly confused when you landed it and the song was not over. I had a puzzled look one my face for about a second until..
[5:23 - 5:40] - Finisher: THIS THING SHOWED UP. Jesus christ how on earth are you even able to look at this and think 'yep I have a chance of doing this let's invest 200+ hours'?? Unreal and I don't see a bigger stunt being done ever. What a way to end the video.

Some more general feedback: The stunting level in this video is insane and it would require something so sick the hospital has pronounced it dead to beat it. I mean there are many stunts in here people can only dream of and here they are back to back, it's mad. Having said that: just like Cenotaph it was PCJ only which, combined with 2-3 of the grinds, felt like a place where this video could've been even better as dumb as that sounds. Because of my lacking big air skills I've always enjoyed the variety of stunting and that wasn't in here. But apart from that I don't see how this can be beaten ever.

General thoughts about the music and editing and such: Heard this song one too many times so when the first notes hit I was a bit disappointed to be honest but starting from the airport p2b it made sense why you picked this one. It just fits so well with the stunts you collected that I enjoyed this song again for the first time in a long while. Would've loved a bit of a darker theme to go with it though, never really enjoyed the look of this sky and the color palette but that's me. To continue with the stuff I liked less I can understand why some people said they didn't like the many previews of the stunts before they happened, kind of takes the surprise away you know? A part of me felt that way even though I knew the stunts already. I have to say all those shots looked utterly amazing, really nice framing and the slowmo looked awesome. Great job on those. Some stunts also only had a cinematic angle as the main angle (PSM to crane, Ambulance CSM to the top, Skimmer MAG and the purple precision) and I cannot get into that with these bangers. They deserved more in my opinion as a cinematic angle rarely displays the stats and difficulty well. Overall I loved the editing don't get me wrong, you have an eye for it that not many have. Rewatched it many times and I imagine I will watch it again frequently in the coming years. Awesome work once again man and sad to hear you won't take on more projects but I can understand that for sure. You spend a lot of time on it and there needs to be a line somewhere. Looking forward to the things you'll let that creative energy flow into.

Very enjoyable video! Lots of nice stunts in here but I will highlight a few I remember the most. Dannye's linerunner grind with the backflip for stylepoints, Puzzle's boost to rock bounce to precision, MaCi's stoppie to precision, Haywire's vertical ramp thing to roof, Sorcery's upwards grind on that beam, Krypton's far p2b and Puzzle p2b a little bit later. Also have to ask what was that thing Sport was doing with that flatbed and freeway, I really do not understand what I am looking at  :lol:

And good to see people like that doublegrind to precision of mine because for such a small stunt it was a pain in the ass.

Modus Operandi Public Section / Re: Insanity of Grandeur 2
« on: December 26, 2023, 02:04:36 PM »
at 2:10 i thinked Fighter will land this precision, very sad
The song lyrics are 'so close' at that time because for a moment I thought the same when watching the replay :lol:

Modus Operandi Public Section / Insanity of Grandeur 2
« on: December 25, 2023, 10:47:42 AM »
[2HR] Insanity of Grandeur 2

Not the video I wanted to release today on the 10 year anniversary of Dreamtime but sometimes life gets in the way. It's not the video you think it is when I say that anyway :ninja: I landed my stunts in 2014 somewhere, no too long after the first part of this was released. Fighter landed his stunts in 2022 and then I was too lazy to edit it. Had it ready a bit ago so now I have a back-up video for today. Honestly not sure how many attempts it would take me to reland these stunts in two hours again, some went down really quickly.


Music: Disco Ensemble - Golden Years

Enjoy (hopefully)! Time limited stunting keeps being fun for some reason.

Modus Operandi Public Section / Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
« on: October 22, 2023, 02:10:03 PM »
Seen most of it but the parts I didn't see yet were even better than I expected. Great way to go out and absolutely stellar job Max, not only for the editing which was bonkers but also for landing both of the spots I showed you far too quickly yet again :P Thanks to fckR for the help on my first stunt, I was an idiot and did the run-up the wrong way round. And also thanks for that Sanchez spot that you let me have, loved that one. Will make a longer review with my favourite stunts but I'll have to rewatch it a few times and that might take a few business days with this video length.

VC Modded Stunting Videos / Re: Snail's Pace [Grav Mod]
« on: October 20, 2023, 04:20:45 AM »
Lost a few stunts surprisingly. Really enjoyed watching this and loved some of the combos. Good job everyone :o

Modus Operandi Public Section / Re: FIGHTER & Rainbow - LowKey
« on: October 20, 2023, 04:18:52 AM »
Was fun to just pick a random map and vehicle restriction and land some stuff :ajaja: The freeway stuck stoppie spin to precision in LS was surprisingly annoying but the rest didn't take long. Most were safely within an hour each. Editing combined with the song worked better than I expected, very relaxing atmosphere. The sanchez watergap will always be awesome. Yes let's try Eddeman's watergap on a sanchez he says and then it turns out it's doable :lol:

Haha that was awesome :D Going the extra mile with the song. My favourites were the opener, 0:41, cooper's natbump MAG and the finisher.

VC Chat & Support / Re: Is there justice in this forum?
« on: January 17, 2023, 02:51:02 PM »

After talking with a larger group, the ppl considered the technique as cheat.
But that is not Powersave, you're confusing tools. If you're doing a packerbump for example the packer, at least in VC, will move forward a tiny bit with each attempt. After a bunch of tries you will have to get in the packer and load your second save location to put it back in the correct place. Powersave is literally just being able to let the packer load the secondary position without having to get in the packer. It's no different than using a teleporter with your bike to get back to the start of the run-up. There is no 'bending the physics', it's just reloading a location to waste less time when trying stunts. What you're showing in that video is modding, sure, but that has nothing to do with what you're saying which is:

As far as I'm aware, there are several stunts when the stunter is saving in the game's action. Quick example - opener of TEOTL or
In order to set a certain vehicle for our bump, we have a probability of one in a million in regular gaming.
I'm talking about saving ped's stats, like a barracks or a police helicopter.
Again, not powersave. Can you read? The examples you give are not powersave.

VC Chat & Support / Re: Is there justice in this forum?
« on: January 17, 2023, 01:57:41 PM »

After talking with a larger group, the ppl considered the technique as cheat.
But that is not Powersave, you're confusing tools. If you're doing a packerbump for example the packer, at least in VC, will move forward a tiny bit with each attempt. After a bunch of tries you will have to get in the packer and load your second save location to put it back in the correct place. Powersave is literally just being able to let the packer load the secondary position without having to get in the packer. It's no different than using a teleporter with your bike to get back to the start of the run-up. There is no 'bending the physics', it's just reloading a location to waste less time when trying stunts. What you're showing in that video is modding, sure, but that has nothing to do with what you're saying which is:

If you want justice, simply disable powersave.   :wub:

That does not make any sense.

VC Chat & Support / Re: Is there justice in this forum?
« on: January 16, 2023, 03:17:10 AM »
If you want justice, simply disable powersave.   :wub:
You saw powersave used in 1 stunt where you can see the reload happen during the run-up and now we need to remove it because 'justice'? You cannot be serious. Might as well remove Dannye's at that point and drive back to our starting point  :lol:
em, on which stunt? i never ever used powersave
also on most of stunts i didnt use dannye scm, like in old days, just was reloading savestate, without teleporting
If you never used it then why assume I'm talking about you. Look at the 'No Debuff' topic.

VC Chat & Support / Re: Is there justice in this forum?
« on: January 15, 2023, 05:27:14 PM »
If you want justice, simply disable powersave.   :wub:
You saw powersave used in 1 stunt where you can see the reload happen during the run-up and now we need to remove it because 'justice'? You cannot be serious. Might as well remove Dannye's at that point and drive back to our starting point  :lol:

GTA Modding / Re: SAiVC mod help?
« on: January 08, 2023, 12:24:27 PM »
The current Dutch modder supplying the games to the original Dutch modder. Welcome back I guess.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: UNDERWHELMING
« on: December 28, 2022, 09:41:38 AM »
My favourite was Skuller's casino grind with the wall bonk. Looked stylish. Apart from a handful of stunts the whole video was basically old though, including the finisher for which it looks like you used TBV's savegame. That made it not very interesting from a stunting perspective.

The editing combined with the music was very enjoyable though. Some nice angles that went well with the song. But what is that sanchez model on the opener? :euro:

Modus Operandi Public Section / Re: mo - xmasvid
« on: December 25, 2022, 09:48:54 AM »
if you guys can do those stunts in 5 days, i really want to see what will be in main crew video
Not everything was landed in the past 5 days. I think most people had some unused replays but I'm not fully sure. From my stunts only the p2b2stoppie2grind was done after the video organisation started for example. But looking at the video I do see stunts that were landed very recently.

Honestly surprised about the stunting, some really neat stuff in there. Sorcery's line, Turbo's first boost, Darkstar doing the grind without VM (know that for sure since he livestreamed it in a Discord call with some of us there), Gryzlek's opener, Max' stoppie spin to grind, Zero's polebump mag to roof, Krypton's wallkick to ledgegrind, Gryzlek's p2b to the higher part (still new? :hmm:) and the firetruck grind from Mateus.

Song was relaxing and the edit was clean and well done. Great work! Not that anyone will notice the differences but the older version of my player was used. Don't really care though :P

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