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Messages - TurBo

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Modus Operandi Public Section / Re: TurBo - Excelsus
« on: January 15, 2021, 05:43:54 PM »
every stunt is fucking awesome, mindblowing, creating this truly the best Taxi solo ever !!!! I liked most are 2:45, 5:00, 6:35, 5:15, 3:21
The editing was so good I loved those masks out !!! excellent job both ! couldn't have any better !! woohoo

Here's my humble appreciation, I've been following your stunting trajectory thus far and I must say I definitely enjoy your taxi stuff, keep them up.

Thanks to everyone so far and needless to say, none of this would've been possible without Max's efforts here and I couldn't be more satisfied with the end product, on to new pastures then.

A little side note, I've added a link to a review template made by Max in the topic's original post, in one of the post-scriptum notes.

Nomad Union Public Section / Re: Remembrance of Things Past
« on: January 15, 2021, 03:54:41 PM »
Awesome use of terrain and credit for the editing too. Just what I wanted to see on this engine and didn't even know. Very fresh and riveting.

Modus Operandi Public Section / TurBo - Excelsus
« on: January 15, 2021, 10:30:53 AM »

Hey to everyone, it has been ages since I posted, much more so a thread and especially a video of my own.

I guess a bit of an introduction is in order: I started working on this solo in the Spring of 2016. Seems forever ago and it kind of has been a long, stop-start project without a set deadline and without an intention to churn out stunts.

In the past 4-5 years my interest in stunting has seen fluctuations, on good months I'd be on a roll of several stunts a week/month and then I could take long periods off stunting entirely. However inactive I became and however little time or interest I had for/in stunting along the way I'd still periodically check in on the forums even if I didn't comment.

This solo, a taxi-themed one, owes credit in large part to my close mates in the scene and some notable taxi inspirations of old, and new who have helped re-ignite the old flame each time. The goal was to create a solo as diverse and with spots as unique and fresh as I could. Being that I had way more spots than what has ended up in here and I still in fact hold a sizable mental repository of prospective spots I think it'd be safe to say this is a significant one for me, but definitely not a denouement.

During these very strange times, I have found more time for a lot of self-reflection and indeed set myself targets to be done with while I was not busy with remote-studying/working/living and I have managed many of these. Finishing up this long-awaited solo, primarily for myself, is one of the successful ones. 

Finally, I'm really indebted to Max, who took on the project kindly and courteously kept me posted at any notable point of progress, deliberating on different aspects, from the most minute of details to the more holistic ones. I could not have asked for someone whom I would have liked more for the vision I have for my videos and stunting videos in general. A great synthesis between complementing a stunt and making content king while also crafting an experience that transcends a montage of cool tricks and is unique and memorable.

That will be it for my babble, I hope you'll enjoy the final product and thanks to everyone that helped me make this happen.

YouTube (4k)

Download (1080p)

Download (4k)

P.S: In my rush, and thinking I had already obviously put his name in, I forgot to mention Rainbow in the 'Special Thanks' list, who, needless to mention has been a major part of my obsession with taxi throughout the years.

P.S 2: Max made a review template for anyone wishing to do that, head to this link to make your life easier:

Incredible in every aspect. The editing was mesmerizing and flowed so well throughout, amazing work on both the cinematics and the atmosphere that was shifting aptly and subtly enough. The stunts were magnificent, a precise blend of creativity, style and air-time, all with fantastic use of the terrain.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: Max & Sheeptea - Advena Caelis
« on: September 24, 2020, 09:35:04 AM »
Highly enjoyed this video. Had to log in to drop a comment. From the really nicely scripted intro[credit to Mateus] to the fantastically immersive atmosphere you've created through editing and how it was enhanced by the soundtrack choice. Of course, stuntingwise, many great finds and executions in there. I like the grinds, the tank stuff, the taxi precisions and of course the finisher which was just a great find. One more thing is I'd have probably included the final tank stunt landing inside that dome as well.

GTA Modding / Re: PowerSave SA / VC
« on: September 24, 2020, 09:31:29 AM »
Super useful and straight forward to use having tested in Vice City. The effort you've put into making this is highly appreciated. A lot of interesting applications and it spares a lot of frustrating idle-time when setups go wrong.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: ODR - VCMP STUNTING IV
« on: May 17, 2020, 10:34:06 AM »
A breath of fresh air, kept me glued to the screen with the entertainment.

I have done my share of vcmp/samp coop stunting[some on record and unreleased, most off] and the use of terrain, the creativity etc was just off the hook. Just how I envision a great mp stunt vid to be. There is definitely a lot of uncharted territory in this domain to be explored.

SA Chat & Support / Re: Advanced NRG-500 - my thoughts + tutorial
« on: February 13, 2020, 02:30:09 PM »
It's a bit of a contentious and an ambivalent issue and I don't personally think there's a black and white answer, can sort of be likened to FL-ON/OFF on VC on which there is a pretty comprehensive consensus but in practice there is nothing that inherently uses anything that isn't within the game already and can be done on a clean copy. Different people have different definitions on what is/can be considered legitimate and what not such as: Can be done on a clean copy on a console vs. Not and other stipulations. Ultimately I think it's one of these things that just have to be communicated and the user has to be transparent about because as much as it is legit technically, it is an anomaly and it does change a lot of what used to be the benchmark for NRG stunting.

USS Video Releases / Re: [USS] 2028
« on: September 02, 2019, 08:05:33 AM »
Once again USS delivers, some tasty executions and refreshing ideas. Was cool to see Ralleee make a return in this.
Lost the Sunshine Autos natural bump, well done finding the right way to approach that one. If I had to list a few favorites: Sunshine BB recoil bump, Docks bump to boat bonk to the wooden hut, Xtramus' backbump/wallride to the cable grind, Ralleee's vertical bump, Xtramus' police station precision and finisher.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: Dreamland-Oliver&Brain
« on: August 19, 2019, 06:13:59 AM »
Admirable work, to have found and invested the time in finding and landing these inventive spots in 2019. It's no secret I'm a sucker for taxi stunting and admittedly could have done with several better executions but in all sincerity it didn't detract much the video. I was relieved I hadn't lost anything.

Well done guys, thanks for providing us with a quality, entertaining taxi vid in 2019.

WH Video Releases / Re: Burn - Meditation II
« on: May 23, 2019, 09:04:43 AM »
It could only be my opinion, there is a whole range of modding, some clearer to naked eye and some take more discernment. Being I'm not an 'expert'.. I just don't jump into conclusions but I do in fact address issues I would have otherwise discussed privately aswell. No worries, I don't take it personal.

WH Video Releases / Re: Burn - Meditation II
« on: May 23, 2019, 07:46:36 AM »
Sorry you've had to deal with infantile bs to such degree, reason I refrain from even browsing here, much more posting regularly.
Damn, this community is pretty much already dead and you guys take your time to upset one of the only people who still have a passion for stunting nowadays with your petty arguments.
I wonder why that is, could it be that passive idiots like yourself and co. wouldn't call anyone out on on the forums, instead talking shit on discord formerly skype between yourselves, effectively making this site a popularity contest and sucking each other's cock just just so you have imaginary feeling of having someone who cares about your miserable existence.
Enjoy the art and beauty that they can still, somehow, pull-off. Stay away with your negative crap, specially towards someone who doesn't do any harm to you.
I can't comprehend how braindead can one person be, but once again that remains unchanged since years ago for your pack
Why would you callout km's modded wh audition and warfare beta stunts ? They don't do any harm to you !
Why would you callout corevil's gravity modded stunts ? He used to use sobeit all the time in old vids, but it's past, he surely is a LEGEND who got stunt of the year with his legendary slowitdown triple boost ! He doesn't do any harm to you !
Why would you callout the beginning of the whole failure daffy (who became an admin for some reason) who picked any retard around just to get 2part big air videos and give free passes to boxxx, dan, puzzle, gangstag, danio, km ? Boxxx and puzzle surely broke a couple of distance world records in vc, but who cares, they don't do any harm to you !

Why would you callout plani the retard who suddenly can't see a fucking perfect handling (xDD) in a video he's editing? He was just an editor and it was not his responsibility and he definitely didn't do any harm to you !

I'm very glad nothing is changing and you will still be delusional.

but if you are jealous I can't do anything for you (Arnax & Streem  :wub: )
That's some kind of google translate mistake ?

Lost SA part opener:

I'm glad that I stopped trying it to our leftover video.
You didn't land it so how did you lose it ? And leftover video is not something you land stunts for you moron, also modding =/= impossibility fyi
Firstly, I am not interested in taking such a degree of interest in those discussions, it just does not matter enough to me. Secondly, you're stating your opinion as a fact which is fine and dandy but are you expecting conversing or just blindly agreeing with you? I have called out plenty of people when I have felt the need to, I've never claimed to be an expert on the matter. I do not owe you a track record of accusing people to merit having a different opinion to yours. If you wanna go in depth about it without going all toxic on my ass then you're welcome to message me privately, but this is a pretty lame way of expressing a difference of opinion mate, pretty uncalled for hostility. Stunting is definitely not dead because of an influx of modders; it's just outdated, naturally. If you knew me you'd know popularity is one of the last things I am interested in, especially in this niche habit of mine. I do not have time to get into arguments on the forums. Look at how many I've posted the past couple of years on here and that gives you a good picture of why I don't regularly police people[besides this not being something I care enough or feel strongly about to do, I don't have the time to do it]. 

EDIT: To spare us the PMs back and forth I have decided to nullify the argument of 'wouldn't call anyone out on the forums'; Eventhough I refrain from doing so mostly, admittedly because I'd rather concern myself with other matters. Here are a few examples from the last few years through which I've been largely inactive to negate that:

I will add that I have not been a member of 'SSU' since 2012 and although I do keep in touch with them and do post in there, I do not think any further vindication is required regarding how combative or stern I could be about that stuff. Again, don't see why it's relevant but there you go.

WH Video Releases / Re: Burn - Meditation II
« on: May 20, 2019, 04:23:05 AM »
Sorry you've had to deal with infantile bs to such degree, reason I refrain from even browsing here, much more posting regularly.

To the vid:
I am so glad you've been able to cap off and wrap it up one more time, a solo to be remembered, especially that SA part. Amongst your most complete works and the sheer versatility and quality make it one of my favorites ever[SA part in particular].

Specifics: AC has never been my cup of tea but having observed you attempt those spots I can appreciate the graft and so many of them are really stylish and appealed to me: P2B to smoking chimney early on, ramp to double grind, bridge ramp to grind then back to the bridge for it's fence grind, highway runup to bump to bonk off that building to the higher platform of the highway and the finisher ofcourse.

United part: Monster leap is a clear standout amongst the likes of P2B on that grassy hill with the ledge at the end of it, the massive P2B in the 2nd 'island' of LC, the incredible infernus double bump to the top of that building by the police station from the beach and the lovely backstoppie combo which I can vouch for in terms of level of difficulty to perform.

Regarding the SA part: I am going to have a difficult time picking favorites because almost everything worked and was fantastic. from Sandking precision to the FL ON grind combo near construction site and the car display windows in SF and everything else really.. such variety of vehicles and methods, fantastic grinds, car double bumps, natural bumps with bikes and combos. Kudos.

Editing I may have some reservations about and would probably cite it veered slightly too far from the original vibe of 'Meditation'. On second thought though, presentation style was nice[the texts and the scenic/cinematics before each part] and edit was to the point and didn't distract much from the stunting.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: Bonkers unreleased stunts
« on: April 10, 2019, 04:49:26 PM »
Thoroughly enjoyed that one. Very nice, relaxed night ambiance sort of theme. Highly enjoyable cuts and capturing of the stunts and some very nice finds and outtakes from years back I'd assume. I especially dig the new zebra boost to the blue dome on top of that hotel by the shoreline. The aesthetics of this one flow nicely and are very satisfying to view.

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Re: Rusch69 - Endlessity 5
« on: December 28, 2018, 06:37:31 AM »
A fantastic 5th volume to the series, not gonna elaborate too much but I loved the editing work by Anton. Stunting was really fresh, varied and enjoyable. Loved the double grind in SF, purple sign precision in LS[long overdue to be landed, that one], LV car parking lot precision from that bump on the arched road bridge's side and the finisher, ofcourse.. amongst other spots I can not name but have left a positive mark. Well done to all involved.

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