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Topics - C-Jay

Pages: [1]
VC Stunting Challenges / WALLRIDE2GRIND Challenge
« on: September 19, 2006, 06:15:59 AM »

VC Stunting Challenges / BSM Challenge
« on: September 17, 2006, 05:49:52 AM »
 500 forumpoints for whom ever lands it first!

VC Stunting Challenges / BOOST CHALLENGE
« on: September 13, 2006, 09:27:25 AM »
[img]\" border=\"0\" alt=\"IPB Image\" /]

Shouldnt be too hard for all you crazy taxiboosters, please upload all landings to PutFile or some other streamer.

SA Stunting Challenges / BUMPLIKE 1
« on: September 09, 2006, 01:11:54 PM »
[img]\" border=\"0\" alt=\"IPB Image\" /]

Shouldnt be too hard for all you professionals, about 18m of air and 60m distance.

Graphic Tutorials / Sean Paul Signature Tutorial
« on: July 18, 2006, 06:55:53 PM »
[img]\" border=\"0\" alt=\"IPB Image\" /]

Graphic Tutorials / Smudge Tutorial
« on: June 16, 2006, 03:50:58 PM »
[img]\" border=\"0\" alt=\"IPB Image\" /]

SA Tutorials / Half Loaded NRG-500
« on: May 21, 2006, 01:04:12 PM »
-Bike School in Las Venturas completed to Gold
-A working NRG-500
-RAD's speed method dialed
Drive down the highway at full speed, when you're about to reach the Bike School turn slightly right and ride up the wall with the NRG-500 and when you've done that look right, you've got yourself a Half Loaded NRG-500.If you do this correctly you will have the Half Loaded NRG-500 for sure.
This is for the people who dont know how to get a Half Loaded NRG-500 so if you're one of the people who do know this please dont start saying its elementary etc.

SA Tutorials / Vertical Wallride
« on: May 17, 2006, 08:34:33 AM »
Go as you would go about your average MTB Wallride but start slowly turning verticaly.Once vertical start tapping X(Accelerate)button like a mad hoe and while doing that gently lean forward because if you lean forward to sudden you will pop off, if too slow your front end will come up and you will pop off too.Im suggesting you try it in the canals in LS, more exactly the place where stuntman did the MTB Wallride.
This is highly experimental, if it doesnt work keep trying because it is hard.If someone who has no problems with it could make a video of it I would appriciate it.The Vertical Wallride still counts as the Wallride its just in a vertical direction.If you're thinking that Im making all the inventions up in the past few days you're wrong, I just play SA a lot and I try new things everyday.

SA Tutorials / Reverse Wallride
« on: May 15, 2006, 11:16:27 AM »
Find yourself in a situation where you are falling down from a high roof with your MTB.Put the MTB totally vertical with the wall so that you would go backwards on the wall.Dont get on a very high roof because the speed will cause you to fall down.When you are parallel with the wall verticaly turn right/left while holding Reverse(Square).You will turn on the wall while being backwards and you shall go the otherway so that you'll be able to ride down the wall, you might just turn right on the wall and get a little pop from the wall.Remember when you turn make a sharp turn not a slow Sunday driver turn.
Yet again if this is someone elses discovery dont blame/flame me.Excuse me for the bad choice on the name, didnt know what to call it.Could someone be a kind enough to make a video of this if its a working thing.It works for me but I want it to work for everybody.

SA Tutorials / Infinite Backwards QuadBike Somersault
« on: May 14, 2006, 07:57:23 AM »
Get on your QuadBike and drive at a Sunday driver speed.Lean forward and do a stoppie, then lean backwards while pressing the Square(Reverse) button to make the QuadBike go backwards.CJ will keep on doing backwards somersaults as long as you're holding backward lean and the Square(Reverse) button.
If this is someone else's discovery dont flame me.

SA Tutorials / New BPM?
« on: April 30, 2006, 08:50:43 AM »
I think I've discovered a new BPM, but you be the judge.

Get on any height of roof but for starters get on a low roof.Jump and lean backwards so that you fall off.Start pushing the bike gently off the ledge and as soon as it starts going off you press ENTER/EXIT.CJ lifts up the bike in midair and the same applies as for the regular BPM, push it from the front to make it spin to the right and from the back to spin it left.

Is it a new BPM or just a variation to it?

SA Tutorials / QuadBike WallStand
« on: April 21, 2006, 01:52:31 PM »
This is very easy and I dont know if its been discovered but I've known this for months but I thought it was known so yeah.
Get your QuadBike on any roof and get off it.Start gently pushing it from the side and as soon as the first two side-wheels start going off you get on it.When the QuadBike is starting to completely slip off you press ENTER/EXIT and get off the QuadBike.Now you've established what I call the QuadBike WallStand.
To make it even more interesting you press ENTER/EXIT again and get on the QuadBike and when it starts falling you start pressing ENTER/EXIT rapidly.The QuadBike will stop in midair and CJ will get off it and the QuadBike will flip upright in the air and CJ will stand on top of the QuadBike.You will fall down unharmed and completed another cool stunt.
So please tell me has this been discovered and if so dont break it to me hard.


SA Tutorials / Packer Placement?
« on: February 27, 2006, 10:10:15 AM »
I have managed to pull off a few cool jumps with via Packer and I was wondering how do you guys know how to place the Packer just right so your NRG will hit the ledge or side :huh: I place it randomly but only a few tries out of 5 million will get right :P Whats your secret :blink:  

SA Tutorials / Packer?
« on: February 17, 2006, 06:33:25 AM »
Does anyone know where I can find the Packer in SA(PS2)because I cant find it :( Please post somekinda cheat or the exact location of the Packer and no ARMAX cheats because they dont seem to work for me :huh: Thanks in advance :)  

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