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Messages - Diaz
« on: January 10, 2025, 05:47:25 AM »
Just seen this now with 0 xmas vibes but who cares! I might be wrong but I have never seen a community project bigger than this, which bridges all stunting-relevant versions of GTA, it was fantastic. This video surely isn't about the stunting quality, it's about getting together and celebrate (stunting). I'm glad so many members joined across all parts of GTA, I wish I could take part in this. I always loved xmas videos, they have that special touch for me, so I'm happy to see one again. Hopefully see you all next this year as well!
« on: January 10, 2025, 05:05:52 AM »
Such a great collab, I felt like 'I wish I was in this'. I wouldn't call it a leftover though, it was a pretty decent quality video if you ask me. It was cool to see a classic public collab being released where anyone can join and deliver stuff. My standouts are Biel and Gryzlek, whose stunts impressed me the most, but everyone did well. I liked the editing and the first song especially, it really felt like a good-vibe video that doesn't take itself way too seriously. I hope to see more of this in the future and that I can join in some.
« on: January 10, 2025, 01:39:09 AM »
What the fuck is a bubbly-jock?
I have always wondered myself as well. Turns out it's a word used in Scotland for male turkeys. The popped tire curbbump then doublebump car stunts were great btw. Shoutout goes to the 2 stunts starting from 3:35 where you landed the exact same stunt twice but with interchanging car colors (the one you used and the one you bumped on), such a complementary sequence! Also the classic finisher, a boost, to the exact same little house on the exact same roof, I wonder when you will land the near tree again!
« on: January 10, 2025, 01:27:00 AM »
Another strong AC video as usual, I loved the variety here (but grinds are still heavily involved)  Sheeptea's boost to the hole could have been cut better, I really expected and wanted it to go through the hole but we never got to see that  Editing was great but nowadays it's standard from Lex. Overall it was a great project and I hope to see some sequel!
« on: January 10, 2025, 01:08:15 AM »
This mapmod is so popular, it made some amazing collabs happen and this one is my favourites. Great use of terrain by everyone, the variety of stunts shown here is remarkable. Shoutout to Sport for delivering such fine product, the songs, cinematics and overall editing was superb and for me, it made the difference compared to the previous collabs. If it was the last big community video on this map, this was a great farewell for sure. Good job everyone involved!
« on: January 10, 2025, 12:33:26 AM »
Such a fresh video, I absolutely loved it. It was fast-paced and filled with little but stylish stunts. Great ideas and executions all around, I see you really like grinds  Song and overall atmosphere were great as well, all in all a very entertaining video, one of the standouts nowadays imo so be proud of it and keep up the fun!
« on: November 19, 2024, 12:18:32 PM »
The pinnacle of SA stunting, finisher was wild!
« on: November 17, 2024, 05:12:08 AM »
Such a strong video, I didn't even expect to enjoy it so much. Some amazing finds indeed even on the ground level. Stylish transitions between grinds, and props for doing upward grinds as well, those were really nice. My favs are 0:56 (would have been even better if you someshow stay on the top), 1:05 (nice addition at the end with the precision), 1:50 (crazy transition between grinds), 2:05 (my absolute favourite because you managed to go all the way above the water, it was remarkable), 2:20 (nice surprise at the end) and finisher. Editing was great as well and even though the song is old, I felt it worked well here. Good job guys, waiting for the next part of the series!
« on: November 10, 2024, 04:46:15 AM »
Looks beautiful
« on: November 10, 2024, 04:44:37 AM »
Sounds fun and a great initiative, looking forward to it! I will try to take part in this in some form if I can
« on: October 26, 2024, 01:47:31 AM »
Good job upping Barney's solo  This video gave me satisfaction, all stunts were in place and I did not feel that they could be done better. Bangers came one after another and it seemed like you never run out of the biggest stunts ever landed. Grindcombos were all good imo and they looked stylish, the VC grindcombo starting from the pool has got to be one of the best stunts. I'm no expert in VC so I cannot tell if this all is clean or not but I rely on these experienced guys and believe it is an outcome of lots of hard work and dedication. Editing was fitting, good job using this song effectively. Overall the video was a whole package of the highest quality, you can be proud of this solo, DC
« on: October 26, 2024, 01:13:21 AM »
It's always great to see such big projects finally being released. This is not an exception, a typically remarkable community video if you ask me. I loved the intro and all the genuine ideas throughout the video. Stunts were on a high level, I would not like to highlight anyone or any stunts, a community video is not even about this I believe. The most important that a lot of guys gathered together even in 2024 and produced a brilliant video. It shows that stunting still gives joy to some of us which is nice. Shoutout to the organizers/editors for making this happen, I know it could be hard nowadays to find motivation to finish a project, especially such a big one, so thank you for finishing this project. Also it was great to see Maci one last time. Overall this was an amazing experience, thanks for everyone who contributed in any way!
« on: October 02, 2024, 12:41:30 AM »
Enjoyable video, these kind of videos always hit special. Also, it just reminded me of the beginning of my stunting career when I was landing very similar stunts in SAMP around 2007-2008. Even some spots are familiar in this video as they are exactly the same we kept landing and landing. Thanks for the nostalgia
« on: September 02, 2024, 01:08:54 AM »
Entertaining video from every aspect, lowrider stunts should be more common!
« on: August 27, 2024, 02:33:06 AM »
A new crew being founded in 2024, ambitious  Jokes aside, this was very refreshing to see from every aspect, a pleasant surprise for sure. I have always loved your SAMP stunt videos so it's great that you guys are now a crew. And what a debut, this video was entertaining as hell, Breyt came up with some mindblowing mtb stuff and MV landed some amazing bigairs, they owned the video imo. But others did well, too and it was nice to see such a lineup. I really wonder how Kacknase got there, but I'm glad that he is still sticking around. I hope to watch more from you guys, both in SAMP and hopefully in SP as well. Keep it up and keep having fun!