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Topics - Urban Legend

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
Introduce Yourself / Hello my pretty
« on: May 22, 2023, 08:33:27 AM »
Greetings everyone! I just wanted to say what's up and I hope to be more active around here in the coming month. Trying to get everything reestablished in my life as I've finally gotten to a semi stable condition again.

I'm really just on GTA 5 for the most part but I should be back in Vice shortly. :D

Another thing.. I need help making a game/app for the Google Play Store. If you could point me in the right direction or help with coding what have you... $_$

Much love


Gaming Discussion / Join the social club
« on: January 15, 2019, 12:20:24 PM »
Join up and lets play some GTAV or Red Dead 2... Hatefive0

USS Chat & News / 2019
« on: December 30, 2018, 03:47:49 PM »
I guess that makes only 9 more years until our next crew video  :rolleyes:

Just kiddin..that shit is coming soon  ;D

Happy New Year GTAS

Gaming Discussion / Rockstar Games humble bundle
« on: February 02, 2018, 04:54:46 PM »

Started a few days ago; get your favorite titles for pennies on the dollar. $1 can get you Manhunt, Vice City, GTA3, and Max Payne. Two other's through check it out!

Have a great day :)

Computer Talk / Best laptop computer for Vice City
« on: January 21, 2018, 07:14:17 PM »
How would you go about this? Any opinion on whats best for Vice City? Older laptop from about 2008 or something closer to new?

Questions /Answers / Insults welcomed

Gaming Discussion / Vikings war of clans
« on: October 13, 2017, 12:32:03 PM »
Join me on Vikings: War of clans for Android and desktops...and possibly other devices :P

[USAD] cakeboy - kingdom 449

VC Chat & Support / Best Standard of GTAS
« on: January 09, 2017, 07:46:58 AM »
Videos/Community activity. Or for any reason

GTA Modding / New PCJ Playground missions?
« on: September 28, 2016, 08:15:53 PM »
Is anyone interested in making some with me? Post any ideas and we'll get going in a week or so.

USS Chat & News / Designer Panda
« on: August 27, 2016, 12:54:19 PM »
It's the official Mehmet collab thread... "Designer Panda"

How would you rock this shit?  :lol:

VC Chat & Support / Quake 3 by ???
« on: June 03, 2013, 09:35:26 AM »
Both these gentlemen here have their own unique ideas for the videos and both have outside support for scripting...If I'm not mistaken. :lol:

Lets have a little vote and see where it goes. regardless of the outcome the deadline for you all to submit stunt is the 21st of this month and no later than the 25th. A couple big names have already made their contributions.

Estimated release date will be July 4th - July 15th.

*This poll will not actually determine the editor 100%* It's still their choice.

VC Chat & Support / Q3 - startup
« on: May 20, 2013, 12:27:15 AM »

I haven't organized a collab in quite a while but I'm looking for about 10 - 12 individuals to fill some slots here. Our first two videos were highly successful in terms of originality and shock appeal. I'm looking for a full production here. Scriptors, editors, stunters, and of course GFX designers.

Keep any rep you think is I dont know "cool" We may have a very talented editor who can use the "B roll" type shit for something!

Editors/Scripters/ GFX designers please express your interest and any ideas in a PM to me by the 31st...

Stunters? This is your topic until the 31st aswell.

Q1 by Urban Legend and THEFTMan:

Q2 by Urban Legend and THEFTMan:
quake 2

Q3 by Urban Legend and [Your Name Here] <-- Lead Production! (Director)


Vice and Liberty - only please.

If you participated in either of the first two videos you are automatically welcomed into the third installment with no questions asked.

Uploads can be sent to my Inbox or this email: [email protected]

updated 5/31 *1:53PM

GTA Modding / [MVL] Shamal
« on: May 06, 2013, 01:45:54 PM »
We all know the Shamal from San Andreas?

The mod is hosted at

I totally destroyed Vice City trying to install it. Let me know how it works for you guys!  :cc_detective:

SA Chat & Support / Some MTA
« on: May 01, 2013, 07:07:40 AM »
I wanna get on this for the first time. Is anyone interested in joinin me for some fun? I was thinking some Capture the flag type shit. Or maybe just some off roading with some trucks or the NRG.

Maybe this Friday or on the weekend. The newest MTA is 1.3.1 I think but I wanna see who can join me. And then we'll download the shit so everyone is on the same page...

Alright, thanks.

VC Chat & Support / Tank videos
« on: January 29, 2013, 11:10:59 PM »
Can you name me some videos containing stunts with the tank in vice city? Been looking but can only seem to find one from Dannye and it's all in Liberty City. Thanks!

Gaming Discussion / Max Payne 3
« on: October 11, 2012, 10:21:40 PM »
GTAStunting Presents

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