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Topics - Airbrush

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Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas / Why do you continue to stunt?
« on: September 01, 2023, 04:26:54 AM »
A friend in my personal life asked me this very question the other week and it took me a bit to answer.

San Andreas as of writing this is 19 years old and Vice City is 21 years old. I've played games here, there, and everywhere in between but I always find my way back to stunting.

For me I think what I get from stunting is the satisfaction of landing something I've been trying for hours upon hours or even seeing an idea I had come to light in a video format and being able to show that to friends/fellow stunters. I think stunting scratches that creative itch for me that painters, sculptors, or writers have.

I don't imagine I'll still be on this forum in 10 years nor do I think majority of us will be here but it's fun for the time being. Maybe we'll all collectively find another game to continue this format of video creation/collaboration.

With that all being said I now pass the question on to you, why do you continue to stunt after all this time?

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / [SFSE] SAMP PaTt - Reflection
« on: July 22, 2023, 11:32:42 PM »
Hey there,

New stunt video from stunts landed on SFSE thought I'd post it here.

This vid guests Flippa, Insan, and S0ulreaper.

Audio/video reactions welcome but not expected.

GTA Modding / Skins request (SA)
« on: October 01, 2016, 10:56:30 PM »
Hey there,

Would anyone be willing to help me out? I'm after three skins. 1 for CJ, 1 for NRG, and  1 for infernus. I don't want them to be flashy or anything but as long as the nrg has Airbrush on it somewhere then I'm happy.  The CJ and infernus can be anything I just need my own skin and I don't have the know how to create my own.

If anyone out there wants to help me out that would be greatly appreciated. :D

Video Editing/Compression / Need editor (SA)
« on: December 19, 2014, 02:07:34 AM »
Hello all,

I'm currently in the process of creating my first solo and I'm looking for an editor as I can't do it worth a damn.

Please keep in mind that as it's my first solo, I'm not expecting some A grade top notch amazing editing that will take you 5 years to do, I just want something simple.

I have a song and a style of editing to get the ball rolling so if anyone is willing to help me it'd be greatly appreciated.

As a final note, I'm not expecting the editing to go longer than a few days at most or a few hours at the very least. I understand that it's Christmas time and some of you have a lot less time to edit, so please do not go crazy with it.

If anyone is up for it either respond here or let me know in PM and we can arrange how you want to approach it. :)

SA Stunting Challenges / jumpety-place giveaway (watergap distance)
« on: February 05, 2014, 04:28:01 AM »
So I've been trying this jumpety-place for a long time, sorta just given up on it lately so I figured I'd let someone else give it a go.

edgy-hit to bridge

General aim is to land the bridge but if you can land the tiny-landi to the left that'd be sweet too.

Landing the bridge with a slidey-slide would be +100 points.

IV Unmodded Videos / First ever stunt
« on: October 02, 2013, 05:28:44 AM »
I just landed my first ever gtaiv stunt, it's most definitely old but I only got the game yesterday and I thought I would share, any tips would be appreciated. :)

First GTAIV stunt.

Note: This is not a spot, merely a style.

Hey, so I've always wanted to see someone do something with this:

Stoppie to back stoppie
The challenge is, land a decent looking stunt using this method. Good luck. :)

VC Stunting Challenges / SAiVC spot desertbump2grind
« on: June 24, 2013, 07:53:51 PM »
I don't know if it's old or not but I no longer have SAiVC installed so here you go: :)


Introduce Yourself / Hello :D
« on: October 15, 2012, 10:46:02 PM »
Heyy, I'm Airbrush. I'm from Australia. I've been scoping these forums for years but have never had the energy to create an account so here I am. I'm an SA and SAiVC stunter, sorta learning a little bit of VC aswell so I'm open to new ideas. I look forward to meeting you all.


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