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V Chat & Support / 1.15 Stunting Changes
« on: July 01, 2014, 06:27:55 AM »
Will update this thread as I research the new changes. Haven't loaded up the game yet, but the new monster truck seems very promising, and I'm going to have to check if the collisions for the Ferris Wheel and Rollercoaster have changed given that you can now ride them. In the meantime, here's the update notes and the changelog.

Stunting Related Changes

  • MOST IMPORTANT CHANGE: Motorbike handling and gliding has been significantly changed (for the worse). BMX Gliding has also took a major hit, but otherwise the handling remains unchanged. See below for comments, and check out the "Gliding Related Changes" section.
  • Cars handle the same as 1.14. Spoilers still add traction. Cars are safe!
  • The Liberator (new monster truck) is pretty useless when it comes to racing. Despite having incredible acceleration (maxed out stats), and better braking/traction than the Dubsta, the top speed is very low. As a result, the Dubsta manages to beat it within 2-3 seconds of driving. On long runups, it blows The Liberator away. The Liberator also can't be modified at Los Santos Customs. Do not buy The Liberator for racing. As for stunting, it's not very useful either, as it doesn't receive any benefits from the slow motion ability. However, it has the biggest wheels in the game, and as such, it is nice for bumping low/medium sized ledges, and bumping traffic. Best used online, since the slow motion ability doesn't do anything for this vehicle, except make the acceleration to its low top speed even faster.
  • Extra tip about The Liberator. By reversing into a wall at full speed, you can reverse very slightly up the wall, and balance on the front of the monster truck. If you lean back while doing this, you can reverse over some very small walls. UPDATE: Found an example of this being used on reddit (click HERE to see more).
  • The Sovereign is a good bike, but it's not particularly useful for stunting. It has the same top speed as the Daemon, but otherwise it's better in every way. However, the Thrust is statistically better than the Sovereign in just about every respect. Much higher top speed, very slightly lower acceleration, much better braking and traction. So there's not much reason to use it for racing or stunting, aside from the looks.
  • The Rollercoaster and Ferris Wheel collisions are exactly the same as before (when nobody is riding them). Even when somebody is riding the Ferris Wheel in GTA Online, the outside of the Ferris Wheel remains solid.
  • By shooting fireworks at a Panto with the Fireworks Launcher, you can make it do a wheelie (see THIS at 4:00).
  • You can now make custom P-996 Lazer races.

Gliding Related Changes


  • Motorbike Gliding is approximately 50% as effective as it was in 1.00/1.14 (VIDEO COMPARISON). You can get about 50% as much height from a bump, and 50% as much distance. You can still change direction while in the air, but once again, it's about 50% effective. This is also much more difficult than before because the motorbike handling is much more stiff in 1.15. This is not the same as 1.11, where it was completely removed. Each bump above was the best try I could get within six tries without bailing.
  • Motorbike Speed Methods are exactly the same as before, with the exception of the wheelie method (VIDEO COMPARISON). The top speed of the wheelie method is exactly the same, but it takes about 2 seconds longer to accelerate up top gear in GTA V 1.15. This proves that the Bati's wheelie acceleration is slower than it was before. I tested that the top speed is exactly the same by comparing two portions of the runway while the bike was at top speed. The Bati took exactly the same amount of time to get from point A to B at top speed with the wheelie method in both 1.00/1.14 and 1.15. This is not the same as 1.11, where it was completely removed. The same applies to driving downhill, uphill, and every single motorbike in the game.
  • Motorbike Wheelie Height/Angle has changed across all motorbikes. All motorbikes can now wheelie slightly higher than they could before. The Faggio has also seen a slight increase in wheelie maneuverability, but because the Faggio could always wheelie all the way up, it's hard to notice any differences. However, there is one group of exceptions, and that is the chopper bikes. The wheelie height of the Thrust (and all the other chopper bikes) has been slightly reduced. This has also affected the Motorbike Wheelie Method, because despite the wheelie height only being slightly different, the Thrust's wheelie speed pales in comparison to what you could gain before. This applies to all of the chopper bikes, but with regards to speed, the Thrust has seen the most significant negative changes.
  • Motorbike Steering Weight/Heaviness/Traction has significantly changed. Motorbikes now steer much more heavily before. It's very hard to demonstrate this in a video format, since it's more about feel than anything else, but I did manage to do two tests to prove it (VIDEO COMPARISON). In 1.15, you have the same turning circle at low speeds as you did in 1.14, but it takes much more time to complete a full turning circle. Essentially, steering is much heavier than it was before. At high speeds, it's actually much more difficult to complete a full turning circle than it was in 1.00/1.14. I tested this by taking the same high speed runup on the airport runway (in both versions of the game), and then holding my analogue stick all the way to the right for two rotations. Oddly, much like the wheelie height, all of the chopper bikes have remained undisputed by GTA V 1.15. They have exactly the same steering weight/heaviness/traction that they did in 1.00/1.14. Interesting.
  • Motorbike Bumping is exactly the same (aside from gliding).
  • Motorbike Bailing is exactly the same. However, it is much harder to prevent bailing because of the changes to gliding, in that it's now harder to straighten out your angle with the ground. You will also still bail when you hit a surface with your bike upside down.
  • Motorbike Ditching/Jump Off Method still works 100%.
  • Motorbike GTA Online Boost Pickups work exactly the same as they did before, with every single type of stunting method. You can still activate boosts with both wheels on the ground. Boosts still make no difference while you're doing a wheelie or a stoppie. Boosts still make no difference when you hit a bump, or when you're gliding in the air. Boosts still work in the exact same way with regards to wallrides. Boosts still have the same effect on grinds (none, unless you twist your bike to touch the rail with your front/back wheels).
  • Motorbike 180 Spin Method has significantly changed (it's about 50% as effective as it was before). You can still do it, but you will normally get stuck at around the 90 degree spin mark, instead of turning all the way around.
  • Motorbike Slow Motion Ability is exactly the same. You can still gain the same amount of velocity from hitting a bump with the front wheel of your bike as you did in 1.00/1.14 (the same applies to wallrides). You still gain more traction while using the slow motion ability. You can still do a higher wheelie and longer stoppie with the slow motion ability. You can still prevent bailing with the slow motion ability. Everything relating to the use of the slow motion ability is exactly the same.
  • Motorbike Grinding is almost exactly the same as 1.00/1.14. However, the bike feels heavier and harder to control while grinding in GTA V 1.15 (just like steering).
  • Motorbike Wallriding is approximately 50% as effective as it was before. Grip while wallriding is about 50% of what it was in 1.00/1.14. This goes for both horizontal wallrides, and vertical wallrides. Like with steering, it's very hard to demonstrate this in a video format, and with regards to testing, there's nothing I can do to prove to you that this is correct. On the other hand, I'm telling you this as someone who is very knowledgeable about the game, and I've uploaded my own comparison footage to show you some of the differences. That way, you can see for yourself (VIDEO COMPARISON). However, there is one other significant change to Motorbike Wallriding. At the beginning of a vertical wallride, you invariably gain a speed boost over the course of a two second period. This is the case both at the point of contact (like bumping into a vertical wallride), and during a wallride (like wallriding sideways/horizontally on a wall, and then turning up into a vertical wallride). Hypothetically, just imagine that you had a building that was lengthy to the power of infinity. If you began wallriding it horizontally at a low speed, you could actually do a wallride forever by switching between horizontal and vertical positions. The reason why you would have to switch positions is that the speed boost from pointing straight up while wallriding only lasts for about two seconds. Afterwards, you begin to lose velocity. This a major change for GTA V 1.15.
  • Motorbike Stoppies are exactly the same.


  • BMX Gliding is approximately 50% as effective as it was in 1.00/1.14 (VIDEO COMPARISON). As a result of this, you can no longer glide for an infinite amount of time on the BMX. This is not the same as 1.11, where it was completely removed.
  • BMX Speed While Pedalling is exactly the same.
  • BMX Speed While Wheelying is exactly the same.
  • BMX Speed While Dipping is exactly the same.
  • BMX Steering Weight/Heaviness/Traction is exactly the same (VIDEO COMPARISON).
  • BMX Bumping is exactly the same (aside from gliding).
  • BMX Speed Method (jumping into the ground while leaning forwards) works 100%.
  • BMX Wallriding is exactly the same.
  • BMX Wallclimb Glitch by Dada9x9 works 100%.
  • BMX Grinding is exactly the same (including nose/ass grinds).
  • BMX Infinite Stoppie works 100%.
  • BMX Stoppie Speed Method works 100%.
  • BMX Wheelies are exactly the same, including wheelie height/angle.
  • The Scorcher and the Race Bikes are exactly the same (aside from gliding).


  • Unchanged.


  • Unchanged.

Helicopters and Planes:

  • Unchanged (including HOVERING, which was previously affected by the removal of gliding in 1.11).

GTA Online:

  • All of the above applies in the same way to GTA Online.


This update is a major blow to GTAStunting. Nothing will come close to being as toxic as GTA V 1.11 was (with the complete removal of gliding), but taking gliding and making it 50% as effective as it was in the past? Come on, that's completely nonsensical. On the bright side, not much else has changed.

The new DLC vehicles are very good, but they're not life changing when it comes to stunting. The changes to the Ferris Wheel and the Rollercoaster have kept the collisions exactly the same. Cars are the same, Boats are the same, Helicopters/Planes are the same... everything aside from the Motorbikes and BMX's has either been left unblemished or been significantly improved. Taking stunting aside, they did an awesome job with GTA V 1.15.

Regardless, this is absolutely fatal for GTA V stunting. Just take a look at these.

GTA V 1.15 Gliding Tests - Motorbike Gliding.
GTA V 1.15 Gliding Tests - BMX Gliding.

Motorbikes have been changed the most. Most of the really big airs that have been landed in this game are now completely impossible. Not only that, but the new steering feels extremely slow and unresponsive. Wallriding with motorbikes has completely changed for the worse. BMX's have been significantly taken back by the changes to gliding, but otherwise they're exactly the same.

Where does this leave us? Honestly, I think all of this was a mistake. If Rockstar were trying to get rid of gliding, or change bike physics, they would have done things differently. You can still glide, and you can still stunt. The problem is that it's nowhere NEAR as good as before. In my opinion, this might have something to do with the Thrust or the Sovereign. Honestly, every motorbike feels like it's had its mass increased by 50%, in regards to both steering and gliding.

Perhaps they were trying to minimize the Thrust's wheelie value, given that it could go significantly faster while doing so in previous versions of the game. If that's what they were trying to do, Rockstar made a huge mistake. Many stunts have been landed with the use of the Thrust. Purposely changing how it handles completely ruins the effort that people have been putting into using this vehicle. However, I think it was probably something less sinister than that.

What if some of the values from the new Sovereign were accidentally copied across every motorbike in the game? That would go some ways to explaining the fact that the new heavy steering applies to every single motorbike, EXCEPT for any of the chopper bikes (like the Hexer, Daemon, and Thrust). It would also help to explain the changes to wheelie height for every single motorbike. Maybe it's an issue of sorts with a multiplier in the handling files? I don't know, this is merely speculation, but there's got to be a reasonable explanation. This does not seem like a fix they made on purpose.

Overall, the question of "why" is irrelevant. The message we need to send to Rockstar is that long established vehicle handling/physics should not be changed. Changing these only serves to invalidate all the work that the stunting community has put into working with the game, and actually makes the game less fun for the community at large.

How will racers beat old record times now that the Motorbike handling is so much heavier than it was before? How will this affect the audience of people like Kwebellkop and Nomad Union, now that we will no longer be able to do stunts as capably as we could in the past?

Upon reverting the original changes to Gliding in 1.13, Rockstar had this to say (SOURCE).

Quote from: Rockstar Newswire
A recent update addressed an issue that we saw with the way motorcycles and bikes handled while in the air. As it turned out, many members of the GTA stunting community were disappointed to discover that this fix made pulling off certain popular bike tricks and stunts virtually impossible, so we're going to be restoring the original in-air motorcycle/bike physics in an upcoming Title Update. In general, we are open to keeping unintended ‘glitches’ in the game if players enjoy them and they aren’t causing any negative impact to gameplay or fairness in any way.

I believe that they should follow through with this hypothesis when GTA V 1.16 is released to the public. Hopefully they share this mindset and opinion, based on the facts that I've laid out over the last couple of days. Now, all we can do is hope. :)

Rockstar Support -
Rockstar Mouthoff Email - [email protected]
GTA Online Feedback Email - [email protected]

V Videos / Awesome stunt by "thesmithrecord".
« on: June 23, 2014, 12:49:59 PM »
This is not my stunt! Had to share this since this guy doesn't post on GTAStunting, absolutely awesome (despite the boosts and creator mode).

GTA 5 - Awsome Stunt #1


Today we're proud to announce that the critically-acclaimed and record-breaking Grand Theft Auto V is coming this fall to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

Grand Theft Auto V will take full advantage of the power of the PlayStation®4, Xbox One and PC with across-the-board graphical and technical improvements to deliver a stunning new level of detail. Increased draw distances, finer texture details, denser traffic, and enhanced resolutions all work together to bring new life to the cities, towns, deserts and oceans of Rockstar North’s epic reimagining of Southern California.

Switch between the interconnected lives of Michael, Trevor and Franklin as they embark on a series of heists across Los Santos and Blaine County in the biggest, deepest and richest open world experience yet, with game world enhancements that include new wildlife, upgraded weather and damage effects, and an array of new details to discover.

The new generation upgrades also extend to Grand Theft Auto Online, an ever-evolving Grand Theft Auto universe. Rise through the criminal ranks by banding together to complete Jobs for cash, purchase properties, vehicles and character upgrades, compete in traditional competitive modes, or create your own content to play and share with the Grand Theft Auto community.

All new content and gameplay created since the launch of Grand Theft Auto Online, including an extensive array of new Jobs, an arsenal of new weapons, scores of new vehicles, new properties and player customizations will also be available for the PlayStation®4 system, Xbox One and PC with much more to come. In addition, the current community of players will have the ability to transfer their Grand Theft Auto Online characters and progression to their choice of PlayStation®4, Xbox One or PC.
Grand Theft Auto V for PC will also feature a video editor designed for advanced movie-making.

Check out the new video that debuted tonight during Sony's E3 press conference above, and look for pre-order links beginning tomorrow Tuesday June 10th at

V Chat & Support / Patch 1.13 Changes (Stunting)
« on: May 13, 2014, 07:38:57 AM »
Hey guys, just got in, going to check out the latest update. Post any stunting related changes in this thread so we can keep it organised. Will update as more is discovered.

  • The Dinka Thrust is now the fastest chopper bike, surpassing both the Daemon and the Bagger. Not sure about the mass, haven't seen a handling.dat yet. Update: It's REALLY fast, great bike.
  • Changelog says gliding is back! Need to test this myself. It's back :D. I will do a series of tests later tonight to make sure it's exactly the same as it was before.
  • The Pegassi Zentorno has exactly the same top speed as the Adder. Way better acceleration. Same braking. Better traction. The Zentorno is 0.25 seconds faster than the Adder on the airport runway without slow motion. With the slow motion ability, the Zentorno is a full second faster than the Adder. Sounds like this is best new car :D. Real world stunt test incoming.
  • Okay, seems like the Zentorno is much heavier than the Adder. I ramped both the Adder and the Zentorno off Taz's Ethos opener 10 times each, and the Adder was able to fly much further every time. Will test it on another spot soon, but for now, it seems like the Adder is still the best stunting car.
  • The Zentorno is significantly more lengthy than the Adder. This make it significantly more difficult to fit through tight gaps, and land on small precisions. If you're going for a precision, stick to the Adder.
  • For Z Type bumps, try using the Zentorno instead of the Entity XF. I haven't tested this in multiplayer, but given that the Zentorno is much faster than the Entity XF, and the level of the hood is about the same, it should be much superior for Z Type bumping. The Cheetah is probably still the best for bike bumping, given that it has the lowest hood of all the super cars.
  • Tested out 5 more spots with the Adder and the Zentorno. The Adder can fly much further than the Zentorno (seems to weigh less). The Zentorno also seems to benefit less from hill drops with the slow motion ability. So what does this mean? The Zentorno is the best super car for racing, but the Adder blows it away when it comes to stunting.
  • Tested everything related to Gliding. Bumps, speed methods, wallrides, grinds, everything. It is EXACTLY the same as the original handling! I will test out the BMX Flight Bug to see if Gliding is the same on BMX's as well as motorbikes, but it's looking very good so far!
  • BMX Flight Bug is back. This means that gliding really is back, and exactly the same as it was in the original game. Awesome news :D.


Okay, I've tested everything. Here's a summary of all the stunting changes. Awesome patch :euro:.

  • Gliding is back 100%. Having tested every stunting method, I can confirm that it is back, exactly the same as it was before ;D.
  • The Dinka Thrust is now the best chopper bike.
  • The Pegassi Zentoro is now the best super car for racing, but the Adder is still the best stunting car.
  • It's worth trying the Zentoro instead of the Entity XF for Z Type bumps. However, the Cheetah is still the best for multiplayer bike bumps.

Correction: The Zentorno actually has a slightly lower tower speed than the Adder.

V Chat & Support / "Gliding" has been removed.
« on: March 04, 2014, 11:49:58 AM »
You can no longer glide in the air by turning upside down. Major setback for GTA V, but I need to try it out more to figure out exactly what's changed.

UPDATE: They've screwed bike stunting hard. Testing cars now.
UPDATE 2: Cars handle the same, no changes.


Thank you to everyone who constructively posted in this thread. I have seen confirmation that Rockstar read it. Thank you to everyone who upvoted the Reddit thread (despite those whose downvoted it), and thank you to those who posted on Rockstar's Newsire and/or Community Support. One more big thanks to GTAVStuntMen for uploading his video, and finally, a huge fucking thanks to Kwebbelkop for pushing our cause.

Without our combined efforts, this would have never changed. So much relief :D. Thank you Rockstar :euro:.

Nightmare already posted this video, but for the sake of keeping it all in one thread...


SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Shadowsniper's GLS Audition [2008]
« on: February 07, 2014, 02:03:40 PM »
Shadowsniper's GLS Audition [2008]

Hey guys, I was looking at my old videos again, and I figured that it's about time I released this. I auditioned to GLS on the 28th March 2008. All of my stunts were new at the time. The vortex precision method was also discovered by me, before it was stolen by Dan. A few of you might remember this, but I hope you enjoy :).

V Videos / First Motorbike Bump to Grind!
« on: September 17, 2013, 06:53:28 PM »
Hey guys, this is GTA V's first motorbike bump to grind! I landed this randomly while doing a mission in the single player campaign :D. My first impression is that it's fully possible to stunt in the game, but I'll need more time with it in order to fully understand all of the changes. Hope you liked the stunt :)

GTA V Stunting - First Motorbike Bump to Grind!

VC Stunting Challenges / Vice City Mall Grind Challenge
« on: January 11, 2013, 02:25:23 PM »
Hey guys, I don't play Vice City much these days so I decided to share this old spot of mine. Also testing my new player skin. Have fun :cc_detective:

Vice City Mall Grind Challenge

SA Chat & Support / Shadowsniper Old School Collab
« on: September 23, 2012, 07:36:05 PM »
Shadowsniper's Old School Collab

Hey guys, I was looking through some of my old videos, and I got a sudden burst of motivation. As some of you know, I'm editing a hydra video at the moment, but I barely have the patience for it, since I've been far too perfectionist about it. So here's what I want to do. I'm looking for your oldest replays, with old school style stunting. I'm looking for stunts along these lines, or really old XSA/TMS videos.

Loik Wow!

I'm looking to organise this within 2 days, and edit it within 2 hours. That's my goal. Hopefully you guys can help me out. I'm not looking to make an amazing edit, so don't get your hopes up too much. I just want to make a quick video again, because I haven't done that in a long time. Something flawed, but something I can actually have fun making. If you're interested, send as many stunts as you want. Just make sure they're unmodded, and old school. When I say old school I don't mean "bad", just stunts like you see in the example video :)

Final Update

Okay guys, here's the final lineup. The list was always subject to change, because everything depends on the editing, but now I have everything set in stone. To quote what I've said in the past, I've received over 400 replays in total, so I've had to cut away a lot of stunts in order to make this happen. Some of you will be disappointed, but just remember that it's not a reflection on you as a person, I've done what I think is best for the video.

I've looked at each stunt objectively, and tried every stunt from the original lineup in every possible position. The flow between each stunt is perfect, and I've worked very hard on that. So if your stunts didn't make it into the final list, know that it's not because I didn't try, it's because it didn't match the mood of the video. All I've got left to do is polish the angles, add the effects, and add the credits to the video. This will take some time, but it'll be worth it, as those who've seen the rough edit can assure you :P



The Final Line-up


V Chat & Support / GTA V Multiple Protagonists Theory
« on: August 24, 2012, 08:21:17 PM »
GTA V Multiple Protagonists Theory

GTA V Multiple Protagonists Theory


There's been a lot of discussion about the possibility of multiple protagonists. When the first trailer came out, everyone was sure that "Ned Luke" was the main protagonist. We seen him in lots of gameplay shots, he did the voice over for the trailer, everything seemed to fit. But we could also see the "Black Driver", and nobody knew who he was. We also seen him in plenty of gameplay shots, leading to the theory that there were multiple protagonists in the game. But nothing could be proven. When the "Transport" screens were released, we yet again seen Ned Luke, now in the seat of a jet plane. Once again, everyone was sure that he was the main protagonist. Then the "Leisure" shots were released, and we thought we seen the "Black Driver" again, this time parachuting. But it was inconclusive, as he could have just been a pedestrian. When the "Business" screenshots were released, this theory really kicked into overdrive. Once again we seen the "Black Driver" in gameplay situations, and this time it was almost certainly him. But we also saw a new character shooting at a helicopter, and nobody could quite explain who he was. Until now.

Ned Luke

As you can see, Ned Luke is the prominent protagonists portrayed by Rockstar. He did the voice over for the trailer, leading further credibility to the idea that he is the main character in the game. During the bank robbery in the trailer, Ned Luke knocks on the truck, kicks the bank door down and leads the assault inside. This suggests that he is the leader of the group.

Black Robber

Who is this guy? If you ask me, he looks a lot like the guy who was running from the police. The guy who was running from the police could well be a pedestrian, but think about it. Why focus on one pedestrian for such a long time? He even had a helicopter chasing after him, hardly seems like a random pedestrian involved in a traffic accident.

Shaved Guy

I don't think anybody knew who this guy was until the "Business" screenshots were released. If you ask me, the guy shooting the helicopter looks a lot like the guy exiting the van. And if you look at the shot of the stuntplane, they're both wearing the same clothes (click here for a closer look). If you find that inconclusive, consider that all of these guys potentially rob the bank together, and it all starts to make a lot of sense.

Black Driver

It's quite hard to spot him, but if you look closely you can see the "Black Driver" in the drivers seat of the van. With the release of the "Business" screenshots, along with evidence from the trailer, we can be damn sure that this guy is a playable character. He may even be a potential protagonist.

Story Speculation

It's important to understand that this information shouldn't be taken as fact. It is pure speculation based on the evidence that we've accumulated over the past year. But assuming that I'm correct, this is a very curious situation. Why would they all be in the van together? Here's my theory. Popular opinion suggests that GTA V is themed around the topic of money. If you look at the "V" in the GTA V logo, you can see that it's styled off the dollar bill. Potentially, money plays a major role in the story of the game. So it's interesting that in the trailer, four of our potential protagonists are together in a van, ready to rob a bank. What if the story was based around this robbery? Ned Luke's character suggests in the trailer that he wants to set up a relaxing new life in Los Santos, but of course, things don't play out as planned. What sparks this change? I think that he gets caught up in the robbery of this bank, and something goes wrong. Maybe they successfully rob the bank, or maybe something prevents that from happening. Either way, what if the story revolved around this event? I would find that very interesting, and it would be a major leap forward in story telling for Rockstar Games.


This is just a theory. But based on my research, I think it's highly likely that we're going to play multiple characters in GTA V. Before the trailer was released, there were rumours that the game would be set in Los Santos, and that the game would have multiple protagonists. They were right about Los Santos, maybe they're right about this. It's also important to remember that character models/textures can change over the course of development, so some of the details presented in this topic may be inaccurate. I worked on this theory over the past few hours (including the editing), hopefully it was worth it :D

Update: 8th November, Game Informer Cover Reveal

Looks like I was almost right! There's three protagonists instead of 4, and it doesn't look like the "Shaved Guy" is really the same person as the "ATV Guy" on the quad bike/jet ski. Something I think I was right about is this; on the Game Informer magazine cover, you can see how all three protagonists are holding bags of cash, and Ned Luke is holding a gas mask. I was clearly right about having multiple protagonists robbing the bank at the same time (or whatever building it is). Regardless, this is great news! Lets continue the discussion with this new information, how do you think the robbery ties into the story of GTA V? :D

Community Council / The Best of GTAStunting: A New Concept
« on: May 26, 2012, 02:57:32 PM »
The Best of GTAStunting: A New Concept


I've noticed something. For a long time, people have wanted to see a "Best of GTAStunting" video. Attempts have been made to make one, but all of them have failed. There are a few fatal flaws that have prevented them from being successful.

  • Making one big "Best of GTAStunting" video is a massive undertaking for the whole community, let alone one editor. This makes organisation incredibly difficult, and it also makes the job very stressful for the editor. This leads to de-motivation, and as a result of this, the video never gets made.
  • The term "Best of GTAStunting" is very subjective. As an editor you must try to accommodate for your target audience. For this video, that audience is GTAStunting, a large community with lots of different people and opinions to go with it. As a result of this, organisers wrongly try to satisfy everybody, and end up accepting hundreds of different replays. Unless you want an hour long video, this is totally counter-productive, and it works against the objective you're trying to achieve in the first place. Quality over quantity is important, but it's an impossible compromise in this type of environment.

This leads to an important question. How can we satisfy everybody, and still end up with an amazing video?

The Best of GTAStunting, Vol. 1

My idea is to create "Volumes" instead. Volumes are typically collections of content released in a small package, commonly used in the TV and Music industry. My proposal is that we take this approach to exposing "The Best of GTAStunting". These volumes would be short videos, released once at the beginning of every month. There would be between 5-10 stunts in each volume, and they would all be released on the GTAStunting YouTube channel. This would keep them easily manageable, and easy to edit. They would also be far more enjoyable for all audiences, for the following reasons.

  • Short videos allow the editor to focus on quality over quantity. This also means that viewers don't have to sit through long boring videos.
  • Alleviates the stress of undertaking a massive editing project. It's not fun to organise or edit massive videos, not at all.
  • If we only made one video to show off "The Best of GTAStunting", it would become outdated as soon as somebody releases a new video. By releasing a series of short volumes, it becomes timeless.

The idea is great, but we still have major problems to solve. How would we organise a video like this? Everybody has their own favourite stunts, but not every stunt can make the cut. The amount of stunts submitted to the video could also become overwhelming if we don't have a good system to manage it. How would we even pick an editor? I've thought about this, and here's my solution.

Week 1 and 2: Organisation

Stunts: Applications (Week 1)

At the beginning of each month, each member of the community would be able to submit one of their best stunts to the video. These would be posted publicly in "The Best of GTAStunting: Stunting Applications Topic" (a new thread would be created each month). This thread would be limited to applications only, all other posts would be deleted by moderators (making it easier to see what's been sent in). The community would have one week to send in their replays before applications are closed. The thread would be closed at the end of the deadline. The requirements would be as follows.

  • You must submit your own replay (it can't be landed by someone else).
  • You must submit any relevant skins/fonts that you would like the editor to use. Failure to comply will result in the editor choosing on your behalf.
  • You are limited to a maximum of one stunt per volume.
  • You must not submit modded stunts.
  • You must also submit an unlisted clip on YouTube (this allows the community to check each stunt more easily).

Stunts: Voting (Week 2)

When the deadline is complete, "The Best of GTAStunting: Stunting Votes Topic" would be created. A poll would be created with an option allocated to each stunter that submitted a stunt to the video. The community would then vote on their favourite applications, and also be able to discuss the applications in the topic. The top 5-10 stunters with the highest number of votes would then be selected to feature in the video. Users would have a deadline of one week to submit their votes, allowing editors 2 weeks to finish the video on time, before the month is out. Both the thread and the poll would be closed at the end of the deadline.

Editing: Applications (Week 1)

At the beginning of each month, each member of the community would be able to apply to edit the video. These applications would be posted publicly in "The Best of GTAStunting: Editor's Applications Topic" (a new thread would be created each month). This thread would be limited to applications only, all other posts would be deleted by moderators (making it easier to see all the applications). The community would have one week to send in their applications before submissions are closed. The thread would be closed at the end of the deadline. The requirements would be as follows.

  • You must have two weeks free at the end of the month. You will need this time to edit the video if you are selected. Do not waste our time if you know you wont be able to do it, because you will just cause problems.
  • You must make sure that all of your software is working before submitting your application (eg. Fraps, Sony Vegas, GTA VC/SA/IV). If you have an unstable computer, please do not apply. If your computer breaks during the 2 week editing process, you will cause major problems.
  • You must have the ability to accept feedback and constructive criticism. This will be important when checking your final edit before it's uploaded to the GTAStunting YouTube channel. Last minute changes may be necessary (eg. compression, frame rate, bugs).
  • You must take the job seriously. We want you to enjoy editing the video, but if we're going to successfully organise a monthly volume, you must take the deadline seriously. This is not the GTAStunting League, you can't ask for extensions unless you have a very good reason.

Editing: Voting (Week 2)

When the deadline is complete, "The Best of GTAStunting: Editor's Voting Topic" would be created. A poll would be created with an option allocated to each editor that sent in an application. The community would then vote on their favourite applications, and also be able to discuss the applications in the topic. The editor with the most votes would then be selected to edit the video. Users would have a deadline of one week to submit their votes, allowing editors 2 weeks to finish the video on time, before the month is out. Both the thread and the poll would be closed at the end of the deadline.

Week 3 and 4: Finalisation

The First Week of Editing: Beta (Week 3)

When the editor is chosen, the organisers/administrators will package all the selected stunts (and their respective skins/fonts) into a folder for each stunter, pack them into a ZIP file, and then send them to the editor. The editor will have two weeks to edit the video in total.

By the end of the the first week of editing, the editor must complete a beta version of the video. This must be uploaded and then privately sent to the organisers/administrators. This allows us to check if the editor will actually be able to finish the video on time. If the editor is unable to finish on time, then they must notify the organisers/administrators before the end of week 3. This allows us time to give the job to the runner up, ensuring that the video can be finished on time. If the 2nd editor is also unable to finish the video before the end of the month's deadline, then the stunts would carry over to the next month of applications, and be voted on again. This prevents fatal errors in organisation, in a way that's both sensible and fair.

The Second Week of Editing: Final (Week 4)

The editor must submit the video to organisers/administrators at least 24 hours before the end of the month's deadline. This gives us the chance to fix technical issues, and prevent people from abusing the system. Once the video has been approved for release, it will be uploaded to the GTAStunting YouTube channel.


Releasing volumes of "The Best of GTAStunting" would allow these types of videos to be organised quickly and efficiently. As a result of being short videos, they would also be a lot more accessible, especially for audiences who are new to GTAStunting. Releasing volumes would also prevent editors and organisers from becoming demotivated, because volumes are relatively easy to manage. And finally, it simply makes sense. It allows the format to stay exciting and fresh.

Thoughts? I posted this idea as a result of popular demand, but at this point it's just an idea. I don't want to organise the videos, and I don't want to edit them, I just wanted to put this out there :)

Expression Section / Shadowsniper's Signature
« on: May 07, 2012, 09:28:47 PM »
Hey guys, I felt like updating my signature today, so here it goes. When creating my signature, I wanted to find a photo of nature, taken at night. I looked through a lot of photos, but I couldn't find anything I really liked. At least, nothing as bleak as I was looking for. Eventually I found a great shot taken above the clouds, and I really liked it. This is the image I found.

It's a great shot, but it still didn't have that distinctive atmosphere I was looking for. However, I saw great potential in the image, so I decided to photoshop it. Here's what it looks like now.

This was a really fun experience, because I don't actually use Photoshop very often. I usually don't have any reason to. But I loved it. I got to spend many hours looking through lots of great photographs, and turn my final image into something completely new.

Do you like it? I know it's not mega impressive (I'm not NicoGamer :lol:), but I'm really proud of how it turned out :)

Community Council / Official Rockstar Crew
« on: May 07, 2012, 07:52:06 PM »

Rockstar Social Club just got a new design, and I think it looks awesome. It's basically like a mini-facebook for Rockstar Games, but it's got a load of cool statistics about the games you've played, and other nice features like multiplayer events. However my favourite new feature is 'crews'. If you've ever played Battlefield 3 and joined a platoon then you know what I'm talking about, crews are basically basically groups you can register on the website. These groups allow people to mix together, and from there you can do whatever you want. Crews can post updates on their 'wall', network members into the same multiplayer lobbies, set up custom banners, and more.

Registration begins tomorrow, so I was thinking we should register an official crew page. I would also suggest that it should be registered by AJ Collins himself. Why? Because he owns GTAStunting, and by having the ownership of crew, we don't risk bad management by other members of the website. We should register as soon as possible, before the name 'GTAStunting' gets taken.

RockstarNexus (part of the GTAStunting network) recently posted an article about Social Club, so if you want to learn more about it click the link here. If you want to learn more about crews in particular, click here.

V Chat & Support / Leaked Screenshots
« on: November 16, 2011, 08:36:00 PM »
These screenshots have recently been leaked and are said to be a real by an 'anonymous source'. I think potentially could be real, the map seems to emulate where the plane was coming from at the end of the trailer and the general look of LA, the screens look high quality, you can see the volumetric clouds/bank building in the background of the ingame screenshots. It looks like the map is unfinished but still pretty damn cool, but it's also possible that this could just be an amazing mod for GTA IV (yet extremely unlikely, especially given how recently the location was revealed). Also if that location is real then we've found a high bump to roof already :ninja:. Here's the original sauce.

SA World Records / Shadowsniper's NRG Height World Record
« on: July 26, 2011, 10:29:31 PM »
Holy fuck :lol:, I was just messing around in SA randomly trying to land the Watch This opener with FL off after changing my ENB settings, but I accidentally broke the world record height by an incredible new milestone of 3ft! Amazing.

Shadowsniper's NRG Height World Record

Replay Link (includes picture of insane stunt bonus)

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