
Do you like plane stunts? (Please select two options; read below)

I like plane stunts
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Author Topic: Question & Complaint  (Read 11875 times)

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Offline Viper

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Re: Question & Complaint
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2014, 11:11:41 AM »
Stop trying to straw man me, I did not say people can't relate to jet stunting because it is not fun. I give the exact reasons why I think people can't relate to it in the sentences following.

"The jet is fast, it can be stunted in reverse, and it can land on and fly through precisions. The jet can also flip like a motorbike. There are many things you can do with it."  Sure, jet stunting is still massively limited in range if you compare it to the range of the motorbikes.

Here have a case study on The freeway in Vice City compared to the one in San Andreas.

While looking exactly the same there is a massive difference in stunting abilities. The freeway in VC is faster, and can do this front wheel in the ground stoppies you can use to do these spinning stoppies. Undoubtedly there have been more freeway stunts landed in VC than in SA, by far. Now to say "We should do more freeway stunts in SA!" is downright stupid. The SA freeway does not lend itself for impressing stunts and the stunts it can be used for won't seem even remotely as impressive as the ones you could land in VC. Heck people landed stunts with a freeway in SAiVC that hard even to get with an NRG (Alhambra's top side p2b, I should know I landed it in SA).
You said: “...You can see the bike has a large range of stunting abilities and thats why even today new stunts are found in both SA and VC. This is why "crotchrocket" stunting is a hundred fold more relevant than any form of plane stunting, especially for keeping this place alive. Because innovation boosts stunting motivation. Who here has never thought: ‘Wow I wished I thought of that’ or ‘wow I should try this out’ or even ‘I wonder if I can apply this technique to this spot I have’...”.

You’re saying people here can’t identify with plane stunts because they can’t “go as far” as bike stunts. That’s completely subjective. If stunters constantly see a lack of quality plane stunt videos, eventually some may assume plane stunts are just boring. Also, some people like plane stunts, some don’t. Now, innovation does boost stunt motivation, but it’s not exclusive to motorbike stunts. The thought process of a pilot who has seen a good plane stunt is the same as your concluding sentence. You’re right; you didn’t say plane stunts were boring. I apologize for my mistake.

Now in response to your case study, I’ll compare the SA Hydra to the V Lazer. Based on the lack of jet stunting material in the GTA V map one could argue you can’t take jet stunting very far. San Andreas is very successful; seemingly limitless for potential plane stunts. But, it’s old now so finding new things is extremely difficult. Not impossible, however. Same thing for V. If a great stunter is handed garbage, he / she will eventually make something great out of it. It takes time and a lot of creative thinking, but it happens.

It happens because whether or not stunters are handed garbage, stunters are motivated to push their game. Stunters are creative. People will still be making jet stunt videos in V and trying to push the boundaries because they want to. They are outnumbered by motorbike stunters, but they are no more limited. This is also subjective. I believe you can’t put a limit on any sector of stunting. Stunters surprise me all the time.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 11:14:38 AM by Viper »

Offline Reynard The Fox

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Re: Question & Complaint
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2014, 12:02:12 PM »
Stop trying to straw man me, I did not say people can't relate to jet stunting because it is not fun. I give the exact reasons why I think people can't relate to it in the sentences following.

"The jet is fast, it can be stunted in reverse, and it can land on and fly through precisions. The jet can also flip like a motorbike. There are many things you can do with it."  Sure, jet stunting is still massively limited in range if you compare it to the range of the motorbikes.

Here have a case study on The freeway in Vice City compared to the one in San Andreas.

While looking exactly the same there is a massive difference in stunting abilities. The freeway in VC is faster, and can do this front wheel in the ground stoppies you can use to do these spinning stoppies. Undoubtedly there have been more freeway stunts landed in VC than in SA, by far. Now to say "We should do more freeway stunts in SA!" is downright stupid. The SA freeway does not lend itself for impressing stunts and the stunts it can be used for won't seem even remotely as impressive as the ones you could land in VC. Heck people landed stunts with a freeway in SAiVC that hard even to get with an NRG (Alhambra's top side p2b, I should know I landed it in SA).
You said: “...You can see the bike has a large range of stunting abilities and thats why even today new stunts are found in both SA and VC. This is why "crotchrocket" stunting is a hundred fold more relevant than any form of plane stunting, especially for keeping this place alive. Because innovation boosts stunting motivation. Who here has never thought: ‘Wow I wished I thought of that’ or ‘wow I should try this out’ or even ‘I wonder if I can apply this technique to this spot I have’...”.

You’re saying people here can’t identify with plane stunts because they can’t “go as far” as bike stunts. That’s completely subjective. If stunters constantly see a lack of quality plane stunt videos, eventually some may assume plane stunts are just boring. Also, some people like plane stunts, some don’t. Now, innovation does boost stunt motivation, but it’s not exclusive to motorbike stunts. The thought process of a pilot who has seen a good plane stunt is the same as your concluding sentence. You’re right; you didn’t say plane stunts were boring. I apologize for my mistake.

Now in response to your case study, I’ll compare the SA Hydra to the V Lazer. Based on the lack of jet stunting material in the GTA V map one could argue you can’t take jet stunting very far. San Andreas is very successful; seemingly limitless for potential plane stunts. But, it’s old now so finding new things is extremely difficult. Not impossible, however. Same thing for V. If a great stunter is handed garbage, he / she will eventually make something great out of it. It takes time and a lot of creative thinking, but it happens.

It happens because whether or not stunters are handed garbage, stunters are motivated to push their game. Stunters are creative. People will still be making jet stunt videos in V and trying to push the boundaries because they want to. They are outnumbered by motorbike stunters, but they are no more limited. This is also subjective. I believe you can’t put a limit on any sector of stunting. Stunters surprise me all the time.
No, look at my original post I said some stuff about IV that you omitted from the quoted post.

And in response to your take on the case study. What are you trying to say? The point I was trying to make that San Andreas Freeway stunting would result in boring, small stunts that are not impressive at all, so as to make an analogy versus jet stunting and motorbike stunting. Of course if you push hard enough you can undoubtedly land some kickass SA freeway stunts, but they're still nowhere near the VC ones.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 12:03:53 PM by Over The Horizon Gaydar VEVO »

Offline Viper

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Re: Question & Complaint
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2014, 02:20:17 PM »
No, look at my original post I said some stuff about IV that you omitted from the quoted post.

And in response to your take on the case study. What are you trying to say? The point I was trying to make that San Andreas Freeway stunting would result in boring, small stunts that are not impressive at all, so as to make an analogy versus jet stunting and motorbike stunting. Of course if you push hard enough you can undoubtedly land some kickass SA freeway stunts, but they're still nowhere near the VC ones.
You said: “...You can even compare plane stunting to GTA3 stunt videos. Its a very niche kind of aspect of stunting if you will and simply does not have that much fans as regular VC, SA or V stunting. Heck why don't we promote IV stunting? Why aren't there IV videos on the frontpage? Some of the IV videos are great, but there is a clear lack of videos ever since those videos were released. What happened did we just neglect IV because the admins did not post enough videos on the frontpage? Of course not, IV stunting just sucks ass and just does not compare to VC, SA or V...”.

Yes, you don’t see many plane stunt videos on this website. When you do, they are often uninspired. The better plane content comes from YouTube, not GTAStunting. This is something I think you guys should change. Great content is out there; not just plane stunts too. You could send people invites to your website (if you don’t). My buddy “Mario4LYF3” is one of the best V jet stunters, and I told him to join this place. Why not request an advertisement for your website from popular YouTube stunters of all mediums (again, if you don’t)?

If you’ve grown weary of watching uninspired jet stunts I don’t blame you. But when good jet stunts exist and you don’t look outside of your website (if you don’t), I think it’s ignorant of you to think jet stunts are niche. It shouldn’t matter to GTAStunting if the medium is less popular. If someone tries to raise the bar in any way you as GTAStunting should care about it, because you’re the GTA stunt website.

The case study response disagrees with this: “to say ‘We should do more freeway stunts in SA!’ is downright stupid”. It isn’t stupid; especially if you can come up with something original. It is much easier to be original when you’re a minority (not always a good thing, I know). The stunt may not be comparable to VC, but if you can look at the stunt and appreciate what the stunter did with limitations, that’s success right there. I’m limited in the GTA V jet, but I did something substantial with it.

Offline Reynard The Fox

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Re: Question & Complaint
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2014, 03:16:30 PM »
No, look at my original post I said some stuff about IV that you omitted from the quoted post.

And in response to your take on the case study. What are you trying to say? The point I was trying to make that San Andreas Freeway stunting would result in boring, small stunts that are not impressive at all, so as to make an analogy versus jet stunting and motorbike stunting. Of course if you push hard enough you can undoubtedly land some kickass SA freeway stunts, but they're still nowhere near the VC ones.
You said: “...You can even compare plane stunting to GTA3 stunt videos. Its a very niche kind of aspect of stunting if you will and simply does not have that much fans as regular VC, SA or V stunting. Heck why don't we promote IV stunting? Why aren't there IV videos on the frontpage? Some of the IV videos are great, but there is a clear lack of videos ever since those videos were released. What happened did we just neglect IV because the admins did not post enough videos on the frontpage? Of course not, IV stunting just sucks ass and just does not compare to VC, SA or V...”.

Yes, you don’t see many plane stunt videos on this website. When you do, they are often uninspired. The better plane content comes from YouTube, not GTAStunting. This is something I think you guys should change. Great content is out there; not just plane stunts too. You could send people invites to your website (if you don’t). My buddy “Mario4LYF3” is one of the best V jet stunters, and I told him to join this place. Why not request an advertisement for your website from popular YouTube stunters of all mediums (again, if you don’t)?

If you’ve grown weary of watching uninspired jet stunts I don’t blame you. But when good jet stunts exist and you don’t look outside of your website (if you don’t), I think it’s ignorant of you to think jet stunts are niche. It shouldn’t matter to GTAStunting if the medium is less popular. If someone tries to raise the bar in any way you as GTAStunting should care about it, because you’re the GTA stunt website.

The case study response disagrees with this: “to say ‘We should do more freeway stunts in SA!’ is downright stupid”. It isn’t stupid; especially if you can come up with something original. It is much easier to be original when you’re a minority (not always a good thing, I know). The stunt may not be comparable to VC, but if you can look at the stunt and appreciate what the stunter did with limitations, that’s success right there. I’m limited in the GTA V jet, but I did something substantial with it.
Now in addition to posting jet stunting videos on the frontpage we have to also scour Youtube for jet stunters? This is ridiculous and you know it. If you are so hell bent to get jet stunters to this place you should've added a GTAstunting.net to your recent V video. I thought this thread was a complaint about bias on the frontpage but now in addition to that we also have to get certain stunters on here? You are acting like it is GTAS' job to get all the best GTA stunting videos on the entire web in one place. But that is not what GTAS is, this is a place for users to share their videos and discuss anything related to stunting. So if you want people of GTAS to watch those Youtube jet videos post them on here! It does not matter to GTAS if the medium is less popular, post it here and people will watch it, or not.

In short: It is not at all the responsibility of GTAS or any of the moderators/admins to get jet stunters or any kind of stunter on GTAS. It is however a job for one the admins/moderators to curate the frontpage. If you want your video on the frontpage that bad PM them. Also admins/moderators shouldn't post their own shitty videos on the frontpage.

Is it that hard for you to realize that jet stunting can't and won't ever be as popular as bike stunting on GTAS?
« Last Edit: November 05, 2014, 07:14:26 AM by Over The Horizon Gaydar VEVO »

Offline Viper

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Re: Question & Complaint
« Reply #19 on: November 04, 2014, 05:04:04 PM »
Now in addition to posting jet stunting videos on the frontpage we have to also scour Youtube for jet stunters? This is ridiculous and you know it. If you are so hell bent to get jet stunters to this place you should've added a GTAstunting.net to your recent V video. I thought this thread was a complaint about bias on the frontpage but now in addition to that we also have to get certain stunters on here? You are acting like it is GTAS' job to get all the best GTA stunting videos on the entire web in one place. But that is not what GTAS is, this is a place for users to share their videos and discuss anything related to stunting. So if you want people of GTAS to watch those Youtube jet videos post them on here! It does not matter to GTAS if the medium is less popular, post it here and people will watch it, or not.

In short: It is not at all the responsibility of GTAS or any of the moderators/admins to get jet stunters or any kind of stunter on GTAS. It is however a job for one the admins/moderators to curate the frontpage. If you want your video on the frontpage that bad PM them. Also admins/moderators shouldn't post their own shitty videos on the frontpage.

Is it that hard for you to realize that jet stunting can and won't ever be as popular as bike stunting on GTAS?
Oh I'm fine with the fact it won't be as popular. I think this website has potential to reach more stunters, but if you're not interested, then too bad.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 05:34:44 PM by Viper »

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Re: Question & Complaint
« Reply #20 on: November 04, 2014, 07:18:07 PM »
Question: why bring up the fact that jet stunting hasn't received much exposure on here in 2014 when it's clearly obvious GTAS is on the decline. Why not bring it up years ago?

Offline Viper

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Re: Question & Complaint
« Reply #21 on: November 04, 2014, 09:27:01 PM »
Question: why bring up the fact that jet stunting hasn't received much exposure on here in 2014 when it's clearly obvious GTAS is on the decline. Why not bring it up years ago?
I felt the time wasn't right. GTA IV was released the same year as my Hydra solo. GTA IV had no planes in it, so I could understand you guys not posting plane stunts at the time. After my video, I guess plane stunters never posted anything in SA you guys liked. I would have hoped you guys would at least be able to find something worth posting, but it didn't happen. That whole time I thought you guys actively looked for stuff to post on your front page, but I was wrong.

I was bored by the SA content, too. But it took off again with some innovative backwards flying stunts in 2012 I think. It was discovered that you could fly backwards while inverted. Never made it to this website and I think I'm to blame. I was convinced GTA V would bring back planes, so I thought that would receive way more attention than SA plane stunts. I wanted to see how much attention you guys gave to plane stunts in GTA V before I considered confronting the bias here.

So a year went by and to me, you guys still didn't seem to care about plane stunts even remotely. Yes, many of them resembled basic SA plane stunts but it was still a new thing to be excited about. Then I released my video, and I felt like it didn't matter to you guys (of course at the time I was still thinking you looked for interesting stuff to post on your front page). This is why I decided to bring this up. There are countless new stunters out there across all mediums now thanks to the success of GTA V.

You guys are the biggest forum on the topic of stunting in GTA. I think it's a waste to sit back and accept the fact your website is "on the decline". Instead, you could be actively putting your name out there, posting various types of stunting on your front page, and even possibly getting in touch with Rockstar. If your opinions on stunting are backed by years of experience and you already have a huge head start on Google, why not actively tell or inspire people to come here and be educated? This place has so much to offer. It should be the authoritative website everybody knows about.

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Re: Question & Complaint
« Reply #22 on: November 21, 2014, 01:24:42 PM »
Viper this website never had many people behind the scenes to really research and develop an actual website. Kinda in a way it helped curve our exposure so to speak so we never got a huge influx of shit people.ideas. or people trying to ruin something. There will always be that occasional liar for some odd reason.

With the way stunting is... editing truly can be the highlight of it all. But when stunting started man people could barely upload shit and downloading a video successfully was like PFFF anyway.

Viper believe me brother. Your on the right track and it's not that no one cares.

I would hire you... don't stop pursuing what you think should be. I've always wanted there to be an actual site man believe me. I have done little shit in the past to try to bring about little games...things that could be reported but I can hardly tell you who runs this around here.

edit: Just red everything about the topic... Viper - now I'm confused. lol Bro get this. A video with nothing but Hydra stunts just doesn't equate. It really aint all that enticing, enthralling, whatever.

Yeah its a little sad but gtastunting aint never been a website. Get that
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 01:43:41 PM by Urban Legend »

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Re: Question & Complaint
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2015, 08:42:26 PM »
Just to say one more thing: forget I mentioned Mario4LYF3 earlier. The stunting community would actually be way better off without him :( Thanks for your insight UL!


Thanks for the back-and-forth everyone. I made this thread with little knowledge of GTAS. :L
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 08:46:57 PM by Viper »

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Re: Question & Complaint
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2015, 07:42:20 PM »
10/10 nice complaint would read the first sentencd again at least 4 and a half times. im also very offended nobody ever flew a boat throug a tunnel fucking viper why didnt you ever dothat shit????!!!!

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Re: Question & Complaint
« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2015, 07:44:28 PM »
wtf flying a plane throigh a tunnel over and over is like fucking the same loose pussy hhhhh and uve still been doing that shit sonce 2006 :((( rip sandal

Offline Viper

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Re: Question & Complaint
« Reply #26 on: February 05, 2015, 05:57:37 PM »
wtf flying a plane throigh a tunnel over and over is like fucking the same loose pussy hhhhh and uve still been doing that shit sonce 2006 :((( rip sandal
Wow; almost got away without somebody resorting to that kind of argument. Really man? Ignorant!


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