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Topics - JustAdam

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SA Chat & Support / Anybody got that mod for SA?
« on: September 17, 2016, 01:44:03 PM »
Anybody got that mod for SA?
I'm just curious. Personaly i had it long time ago and it was rly cool. I was even planned to make some video with it, but gave up, because got a lot of different things to do in my life. So once my GTA crashed had to reinstall the game and i was not going to install this again. It would be awesome to see someone landing on the building with this, like bump + making some air acrobatics2land.

V Chat & Support / HalloVeen
« on: September 06, 2016, 03:46:34 PM »

Hi! I would like to edit some Halloween collab in GTA V.

Deadline is: 2 months - so if I will not recieve enough of the stunts on time
 then it's cancelled automaticly and tricks comebacks to you in the same way.


Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas / Wulfenite (unreleased)
« on: September 03, 2016, 07:18:55 AM »

Hi guys my video gets old, so I decided to share this old stuff edited by me.  It's more older than you think, was pre rendered in 2012 and stay in that state. I couldn't finish the project unfortunately, but I hope you enjoy a little bit. The official version you can find on my channel.  :cc_detective: Peace out.

DSS Video Releases / Wulfenite (The best of alibi)
« on: August 14, 2016, 07:23:29 AM »

Hi guys. I'm not gonna type much. Everyone knows what kind of video is this. So
I just want to thank you for the whole gtastunting, crews and indivituals that I forgot.



Enjoy the video!


Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas / Behind my back are secrets...
« on: April 08, 2016, 03:30:02 PM »
Hi! I just wanted to share with you one of my secret doe I mean the video of course and know ya guys opinion about my actuall editing skills.

! No longer available

Well... This is my Dharma aka Izual earliest version.
I'd never relased it until today. Because my editing concept has burned in flames.
I don't know why, but these fails and victories lead me to something better & i have no clue why I'm kind of man that don't give a f**k & keep going. Even if my video is successful or not. Well that was before... Now i'm trying to think before I will release something. Our Dharma project kinda depends on toty's decision. I didn't wanted to dissapoint my friend, but an advice here is that: "If something looks wrong for you, then try it again and make it right". Yeah it's my quote. I'm too old for searching the aphorisms. Maybe someone had similar sentence once before. Nevermind. It's a gift from me no matter if you already know. Then I just remind you about it.
^ This is an old video. You can always check out if it is still on youtube.
^ N' this is my first SA solo.

I was watching others progression and analysing also. I can't believe what some of you guys just did. It's like coming out of the swamp. I still don't get if it's an experience or just age? We are older we are smarter, etc.

I know that some of us got low PC's that requires configurations back then, but imagine you in this time with high end equipment. Damn... I just want to move this theread too. I mean progression.

I hope you guys enjoy it a bit and express an opinion on this topic here.

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Izual *Dharma Re-make.
« on: January 07, 2016, 02:36:40 PM »

! No longer available

Hi! some of you wanted a remake since "dharma" comes out. So here it is, but at first i have to apologize because of my vegas problems. Atm. All is fine, but i cannot re-edit my project anymore, because it was made in newer version of vegas. Now i got my good and old version, but saddly too old for this project. I had to use some random effects somewhere, but i hope overall it is better than the original. Sorry for the ending titles also, because it dosn't look pretty good also. I'm still improving my skills in the free time. I think that someone can take it more seriously now. Enjoy!

SA Chat & Support / An Award for Illex!
« on: November 06, 2015, 01:25:33 PM »
Hi goys! some of ya know him recently, i think that you forgot about him 4 years ago, but he wus hier and (nowadays) conquered stunters hearths... Ouh i meant he conquered your hearts.

DSS General Discussion / I saw something on the sky...
« on: October 25, 2015, 05:32:16 AM »
Welcome into DSS Joep & toty!  :a-cheer:

Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas / SAing up
« on: September 23, 2015, 06:30:03 AM »
Hi i organize and will be editing a collaboration in SA if someone is up for this here.

Music genre: Rock/Electronic/Dubstep

Deadline: 2 November 2015


Illex (the legend)

I decide about this date because after my exams
will find more time to edit.

The name of the video is Novum.

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Dharma
« on: September 19, 2015, 06:01:27 AM »

Hi guys! today it's a release day of toty's new solo. I'm sorry for some bad effects, but I hope that overall it looks decent. I'm very particular about my productions lately, so i have to say that i already edited his solo long time ago and i decide to make this BETA version. IMO it's worth to share with you and to read ya opinions. Enjoy!

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Vaguely
« on: August 09, 2015, 07:12:22 AM »


Those videos are leftovers. First was edited by Erney, but he haven't time for corrects. IMO it's good too, so the official version is from my hands? There's no official to me. I hope that you will enjoy. I'm sorry that i forgot about some tricks to put in my movie. Even about my secound stunt, but all of those you can find in Erney's Vaguely.



! No longer available

Grand Theft Auto - IV / Scary Swing (teaser)
« on: June 27, 2015, 12:32:41 PM »

V Chat & Support / Sign up for "Evence"!
« on: May 10, 2015, 02:32:44 PM »

Hi! welcome! it will be my first project in V even in community collab organisation.

So the rules are simple: No rules.

I will be waiting for your stuffs if someone is going to be a part of this video.

Directing editor: Me
Replay checker: ToTy

You can post any questions about ⇩here⇩ of course.
The list could be add only if I'll see at least 5 people.

DSS Video Releases / Morphine by alibi
« on: March 03, 2015, 07:52:25 AM »

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Leftover Video
« on: January 24, 2015, 10:42:22 AM »

Vaas Montenegro - "I like to kill... Just like that."

Welcome everybody! after last movie called "fluke" lately i told you that have to learn for some important exams. So sorry about that. :(
Don't even want to learn anything. That's the case. I show u new video with my best friend toty and our awesome girl lady as a guest.

4 letters nickname are cool. I was wondering after farcry 3 impression that should change my nickname to? exactly! VaaS! but nah...
Got my nickname since 2008 or 2009 (lol still dunno when i start but between those dates and ofc in summer time with my nigga from the hood) and it's cool.

Sorry for some random effects i've used or even name of the video.

[Leftover duo] bass

thanks to ToTy for his bald head fetish.

thanks to Lady for a guest.

thanks to Ptrvy for help with a scirpt.

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