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Messages - Sheep

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 338
VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: Ltab - Los Re Racing
« on: January 04, 2025, 09:49:45 AM »
Sick grinds bro. That shot you have in your signature as well was dope!

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: ac:SpacePlatoon
« on: January 04, 2025, 09:47:24 AM »
Good job everyone. I'm glad I get to use my leftovers for this, but if you guys are ever organizing sequels, I just have to get that bike running again.

My taxi boost to "secret hole" was cut early as it didn't get stuck on the hole. It goes through it a second later :lol:

Ltab grinds were sick and Reaper ambulance bump surprised me. That angle send you flying unexpected direction. :ninja:

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Sheeptea - Omniverse [AC Solo]
« on: November 29, 2024, 04:10:00 AM »

Hello GTAS.

I'm proud to present once again Alien City video by me, but this time in the San Andreas engine. Been a while since I made a solo in SA and I'd say I improved my skills. I want to thank everyone who stunted in AC for my inspiration and most importantly Killerstunter who invited me to his collab years back.

It seems KS never financially recovered from his monitor malfunction and we haven't heard him since. There was discussion about to re-do it and Lex did amazing work with Re-Invasion video. Back then I didn't want to use my reserved stunts for KS collab so I landed new stunts for Lex video. After that I gain massive inspiration to stunt more in AC and I wanted to use KS collab stunts in my solo and I started to land more stuff. I'm happy to notice how many natural stunts I landed and I have had praise for it in my previous AC SA solo as well. I just can't land any good p2b stunts that are impressive so you have to settle with my somewhat minimalist stunts.

Big thanks to all the members whom I asked to edit, but couldn't. I started to browse forums for recently released SA videos and saw BigSmoke done some awesome work and I contacted him and he was pleased to take the job and what an amazing work he's done once again.

I hope everyone competent doing live react will do so, as I love watching those and it seems to be kind of meta these days.

Hope you enjoy watching Omniverse.

YouTube streaming:

MEGA download:

VC Modded Stunting Videos / Re: Panther 3
« on: November 28, 2024, 03:44:41 AM »
Surprised to hear finnish doom metal band in a stunt video :lol:

Once again I'm impressed by the grinds and precisions. Good job!

Community Council / Re: The GTAStunting Youtube Channel
« on: November 24, 2024, 08:20:09 AM »
I voted for public collabs only, I think the best part of GTAS are the videos where everyone in the community can participate in and solos are too personal.
Good point, but following the previous years upload genre there are community videos, crew videos, soloes (Halcyon being the most recent) and public collabs so the variety is big. Only thing there isn't are un-official map mod videos SAiVC and United being exception.

Most likely my vote goes to all videos or case by case based, however that is decided I don't know. :ninja:

Community Videos / Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
« on: October 21, 2024, 05:55:46 AM »
00:00 | Intro: So this is where you needed stunts from the area. Can't see them all at one go but there are some classics in there!

02:58 | Sheeptea - Skimmer bump: Happy to be opener in this wonderful 20 year anniversary video :wub:
03:12 | Cooper - Freeway bump: Classic Cooper stunting. Nice.
03:20 | madvillayo - Double grind: Okay stunt. Short'ish grind sadly
03:25 | Sport - Ledgegrind: Long grind! Nice.
03:34 | Blaze - Stoppie2bump2grind: Is the car stuck necessary here? Very nice.
03:39 | Smut - Squalo grind: Smooth execution to the end. 10/10
03:51 | Ltab - PSM: Cool one. Collisions really helped you there
04:00 | Theonly One - Sanchez CSM: Big sanchez stunt.
04:07 | SuhZin - CSM2MAG: Damn, that MAG was unexpected, but little did I know it was the theme of this video and you started it! Nice!
04:14 | Sorcery - Freeway double grind: Classic Sorcery grind!
04:25 | Skuller - PSM2stoppie2grind: Nice find.
04:32 | Radioaktive - P2B: Big rotation to big roof. Awesome.
04:40 | Argy - Bump2cb2grind: Owning with the SAiVC grinds lately. Nice find!
04:47 | Theodore - P2B2B: Combo bumping with freeway! Nice!
04:55 | ARS - Wallride2grab2prec: More grabs! This is one of my fav stunts.
05:03 | Max - Tank P2B: Classic Max rhino stunting.
05:12 | Enough - PSM2grind: Also one of my favorite stunts. Nice air time to long grind!
05:26 | Vice Ninja - Taxi boost: Nice find!
05:38 | Ezraph - Taxi boost: Back 2 back cool taxi stunts. These both were easy looking but still impressed me.
05:47 | boxXx - Double grind: Nice combo!
05:56 | Dipper - CSM2prec: Looks tough to get vertical bump here. Nice!
06:02 | SyperDimon - Taxi double boost: All taxi stunts in this video are super cool and here is another one!
06:19 | jooker - Ramp2bonk2grind: Hella stylish. 10/10
06:29 | Haywire - CSM2MAG: Another MAG from csm. This I kinda expected to see after SuhZin's stunt, and believing you wouldn't send an old stunt to comm vid without a twist.
06:39 | Caio - Dropbump: Very nice!
06:46 | Rainbow - Nade/bus/pizzaboy parkour: Kinda random for my taste, but still you nailed it!
06:55 | MaCi - Dropbump: Nice tribute to MaCi, filming him in more detail than rest. Love you MaCi! :wub:
07:08 | puzzLe - Ramp2grind: No bail at the end wow. Clean stunt.
07:18 | Enough - CSM: Enough landing bangers in this video. Sick stunt!

07:32 | Intermission: Why did he steal the cake!

07:57 | Ltab - Triple grind: Clean triple grind!
08:05 | sheikah - Sabre copbump: Big bonk! Classic sheikah stunt.
08:13 | TN - Sanchez BSM2prec: Nice prec landing.
08:19 | boxXx - PSM2double grind: Maybe the ugliest stuck setup right here, but what you landing from it was amazing!
08:28 | Gryzlek - Grind2prec: Cool prec!
08:33 | puzzLe - PSM2prec: Nice find to land this prec!
08:43 | Max - Bonk2prec: Nice find!
08:53 | AllBeast - Ramp2grind: Big runup for this one. Cool grind.
09:09 | Sorcery - BSM2MAG: The second I saw Sorcery driving towards this roof, I knew you would MAG it. Classic!
09:18 | Theonly One - Taxi boost: Another nice taxi boost!
09:30 | ZeRo - Bump2MAG: MAG's keep happening! Sick execution
09:37 | Haywire - CSM: Biig bump. Siasin has something cooking here afaik.
09:48 | FIGHTER - Freeway side p2b: Fighter delivering the big freeway stunts recently. Well done!
09:56 | Cooper - Freeway double bump: Cool stunt.
10:02 | DeathCobra - Double grind: Spin action! Nicely executed and no bail at the end obviously.
10:11 | Smut - Car grind: Forums tribute with a nice car grind by none other than Smut, car king!
10:20 | morbidxxx - PSM2stoppie2grind: Cool one.
10:36 | Nem - Sanchez precision: Damn nice.
10:44 | Caio - Ramp2grind: Cool one.
10:51 | FIGHTER - Freeway P2B: Like I said, big freeway stunts! Good job landing this.
10:57 | MadX - CSM: I tried to land this with bsm setup, now I feel stupid not thinking csm. Good job landing this one!
11:05 | KhaimyK - Voodoo cop bump: Cool one.
11:14 | Rainbow - Taxi boost2prec: Saw the original version with cool transition. Should've been in this video but yeah. Nice taxi stunt again!
11:33 | Sport - Double wallride: One of the coolest shot in recent memory of gta videos.
11:54 | Ezraph - Car CSM: Cool one.
12:01 | Blaze - Bounce2grind: Sick! Sadly the grind part is short, but you nailed it.
12:07 | Angle.Fire - Bump2grind: Nice find!
12:17 | ToTy - P2B: Sick!
12:27 | Theodore - P2B: Nice!
12:35 | Sheeptea - Natbump: Top landing is impossible without any stuck methods. Landing and staying on the roof edge was tough.
12:46 | Hedgehog - BSM: Nice find!
12:51 | SuhZin - Sanchez double bump: Nice!
12:58 | SyperDimon - Car double bump: Classic SyperDimon stunt.
13:06 | Dannye - Skimmer sequence: Just madness. How did you came up with this? Skimmer parkour to prec is only what Dannye would come up with. 10/10 I also like how the music ends and the plane explodeds at the same time.

13:37 | Outro: First sound effect scared me a bit!

13:55 | Ezraph - Ramp2ledge grind: Nice.
14:04 | Sorcery - Bonk2MAG: Classic Sorcery stunt.
14:11 | Enough - Grind: You owned this video pretty much. Nice find!
14:19 | TN - Sanchez CSM2prec: Classic stunting!
14:28 | MadX - CSM: Looks like it got MAG potential. Next time tho!
14:36 | Theonly One - Sanchez CSM: Nice!
14:44 | Sheeptea - Muy stoppies2prec: This was MaCi's spot. He either wanted to land with multiple stoppies to prec or no multi ledge grinds, which is way cooler but harder to pull off. MaCi gave me his blessing to use this stunt anyways, so thanks MaCi!  :wub:
14:53 | Skuller - Taxi boost: Seen multiple landings from you in this spot. Upside down was kinda bummer but still prec'd it!
15:04 | Theonly One - CSM: Nice!
15:12 | Rainbow - Long grind: Expected prec landing, but continued grind was nice touch.
15:38 | puzzLe - ???: Randomness. Tbh outros needs more of these kind of blooper stunting!
15:49 | FIGHTER - CSM: We never made it to prec, brother.
16:06 | boxXx - CSM: Precin this would've been sick!
16:14 | Hedgehog - FBI bump: Classic Hedgehog stunt.
16:24 | Dannye - Skimmer shenanigans: Yeah you would bound to get different results here. Ledge grind was nice by the plane!
16:43 | Ltab - Bump2grind2oof: Nice!
16:51 | Max - Long freeway grind: I want these changing sparks in the main game when stunting. Is it possible?
17:08 | Haywire - Rampbump: No twist here, but still nice landing.
17:13 | KhaimyK - Ledgegrind: Nice!
17:21 | Cooper - Stoppie2grind: Nice!
17:28 | SuhZin - CSM: Nice!

17:40 | In Loving Memory of MaCi: Miss you buddy :wub:

Overall thoughts: Classic community video vibes. Everyone did something cool for this video and editing was pleasure to watch. Happy anniversary GTAStunting!

Watching this is like another best of MaCi and you can see how versitale stunter he was.
Big airs, technical grinds, car stunts etc. Some of the stunts were so hard we didn't have time to re-land them, which is good in a sense he landed some of the best stunts around then.

Using MaCi's own music was a beatiful touch as well. Tunes were amazing! ;D

Oh and ARS is opener hehe
I guess I'm the opener stunt as well.

Great tribute video for an amazing person. MaCi we miss you! <3 :wub:


VC Stunting Challenges / Re: Hoff's easy challenge game
« on: April 17, 2024, 11:22:26 AM »


Sorry for two seperate video clips. My Vegas is acting up on me.

WH Video Releases / Re: balsam - Stubborn Forever
« on: March 18, 2024, 07:22:53 AM »
Seeing the first tractor stunt, I predicted that you will land something amazing with same method. Did not disappoint!

Car grinds were really smooth. :euro:

VC Modded Stunting Videos / Re: Pak Me Dan
« on: March 15, 2024, 12:00:53 AM »
I wanted to land that LC construction side prec with MAG. :cheersad:

Few of the stunts seems possible without grav mods.
3:45 no idea why you modded it.
5:25 maybe possible? I didn't even know that part of the building is bumpable, or it isn't and this is col fix.
5:48 I tried this many times to the roof ahead (kinda like Daffy style) or wallride that roof and land behind.
During my attempts, my bike flew many times towards this building Destrag landed, but I doubt it's possible clean.

Overall sad to see spots lost, but some cool stuff landed none the less.

Modus Operandi Public Section / Re: TurBo - Supercharged [48h]
« on: March 01, 2024, 06:28:24 AM »
The best time limited VC video in recent memory. 10/10

Community Videos / Re: 2023/24 Vice City Community
« on: February 10, 2024, 10:25:38 AM »
Wait, I'm not in this?

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Re: Legacy
« on: February 10, 2024, 09:20:54 AM »
Really nice car stunts. Very much enjoyed watching this! :ajaja:

VC Time Limit Videos / Re: [24h] Cheesewheel
« on: February 10, 2024, 09:17:57 AM »
Rainbow's stuff was insane for time limited video and Fighter landing same stunts over and over again like other time limited collabs (no hate) :lol:

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: Stunters From Hell - AeternuM
« on: February 01, 2024, 09:03:23 AM »
Finally someone landed my bsm backbump 2 roof in LC (finisher by Hedgehog) Well done!

boxxx also surprised me with his skimmer bump, I tried to find stunts like this all over saivc

Keep it up SFH!

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