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Messages - jooker

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 68
Community Council / Re: The GTAStunting Youtube Channel
« on: November 25, 2024, 01:42:08 AM »
This voting restricts the choices a bit I think. Community videos for sure, but grand public collabs and crew videos also for me. The rest should be case by case imo, but everything on the original GTA maps, (without Aliencity and such).
Dividing the videos by playlists would be nice also.  :P

Community Videos / Re: Xmas '24 | VC/SA/IV/V | Organization
« on: November 02, 2024, 02:57:26 PM »
sounds amazing  :lol:

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: DeathCobra - Halcyon
« on: October 19, 2024, 10:15:27 AM »
Holy moly. Those grind combos were just mindblowing, loved them, the 360wallride one was probably the stunt of the year for me. Some of the bigairs, honestly, looked doubtable, but I've never been a bigair stunter, so I'm just gonna rely on the ones with better experience, innocent until proven guilty, hats off mate :euro:

I liked the editing, I love deftones, great choice, even greater atmosphere. The only thing I'd point is that I'd have loved to see some of the stunts from more angles, but I get it, the runtime was short. I was lying, there is another, this slowmo/speed up 60fps looks way too smooth for me, feels like when you're watching a movie in 60, it feels off somehow, but that might only be me  :P

gg guys

Community Videos / Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
« on: October 16, 2024, 01:33:18 PM »
Thanks for the template guys! I'd like to focus on the stunts mainly.

00:00 | Intro: Instant classic, sorry can't say more, it's perfect

02:58 | Sheeptea - Skimmer bump: great banger for an opener, a high standalone building and a bike, great choice to start with
03:12 | Cooper - Freeway bump: cool one, thats a nice distance for that heavy boy
03:20 | madvillayo - Double grind: stylish, nice execution
03:25 | Sport - Ledgegrind: literally the same as above, cool way to get on the ledge
03:34 | Blaze - Stoppie2bump2grind: buttery smooth landing on the rail, loved that
03:39 | Smut - Squalo grind: I'm not really into squalo stunts, that was a long grind though well done :cc_detective:
03:51 | Ltab - PSM: theres always a new way to land those tanks, nice one   :P
04:00 | Theonly One - Sanchez CSM: got some retro vibes from this
04:07 | SuhZin - CSM2MAG: didn't expect the MAG, it was badass already
04:14 | Sorcery - Freeway double grind: perfect execution
04:25 | Skuller - PSM2stoppie2grind: lovely combo
04:32 | Radioaktive - P2B: I feel like I've seen this before, p2bs never get old  :P
04:40 | Argy - Bump2cb2grind: loved this one, great runup, great execution
04:47 | Theodore - P2B2B: felt like a V stunt, good find
04:55 | ARS - Wallride2grab2prec: I love precis, badass combo
05:03 | Max - Tank P2B: you've really maxed out these tank p2b's holy shit bro  :D
05:12 | Enough - PSM2grind: I've mentioned before, one of my favourites, gotta love that huge gap especially before such a long grind like that
05:26 | Vice Ninja - Taxi boost: again, never been a fan of taxi boosts, it was nice though  :P
05:38 | Ezraph - Taxi boost: same  :lol:
05:47 | boxXx - Double grind: so great and fluid, that bump at the end of the stunt made me crave for a preci, or a little more grind there
05:56 | Dipper - CSM2prec: loved this one actually, the execution was just flawless
06:02 | SyperDimon - Taxi double boost: boosts  :ninja: this one was a double though, so, nice
06:19 | jooker - Ramp2bonk2grind: was so glad when I finally landed this shit
06:29 | Haywire - CSM2MAG: MAGs are just making the OG spots better I guess  :P nice on dude
06:39 | Caio - Dropbump: think I've seen this before as well, good one
06:46 | Rainbow - Nade/bus/pizzaboy parkour: guess you had fun with this, how thell did you come up with this idea
06:55 | MaCi - Dropbump: no words, great man, great stunt and a great way to edit it
07:08 | puzzLe - Ramp2grind: perfectly executed, I am almost sure that traffic light was a bitch while you had close calls
07:18 | Enough - CSM: I'd love to try it, had this idea way back, but couldn't stuck the regina, this one feels flat too, nice height and gj landing that building :P

07:32 | Intermission: ATS - Apparition intro vibes for me, love it

07:57 | Ltab - Triple grind: great find, love the triples :wub:
08:05 | sheikah - Sabre copbump: never understood how to get these timings right, well done dude
08:13 | TN - Sanchez BSM2prec: it was alright:)
08:19 | boxXx - PSM2double grind: my favourite, flawless execution :a-cheer: (that camera pan at the switch was great too)
08:28 | Gryzlek - Grind2prec: been trying that one too when I was attempting the double grind on the beachside, glad to see someone landing it, gj :P
08:33 | puzzLe - PSM2prec: haven't seen a preci landing on that thing before, lovely
08:43 | Max - Bonk2prec: great runup and landing, I feel like there are more opportunities  :ninja:
08:53 | AllBeast - Ramp2grind: loved the spin on the rail
09:09 | Sorcery - BSM2MAG:so many MAGs here  :lol: good one too
09:18 | Theonly One - Taxi boost: another boost, still can't get to like them:(
09:30 | ZeRo - Bump2MAG: ofc it's a MAG, nice vertikalitas
09:37 | Haywire - CSM: boxXx owns this building, nice height, wonder if it's possible to land the right side
09:48 | FIGHTER - Freeway side p2b: staying there must have been a bitch, cool one
09:56 | Cooper - Freeway double bump: cool as well ( so many freeway stunts  :lol: )
10:02 | DeathCobra - Double grind: one of my standouts, stylish af
10:11 | Smut - Car grind: looked fun, even if I'm not really into car stunts
10:20 | morbidxxx - PSM2stoppie2grind: this one really had a retro vibe, nicely done
10:36 | Nem - Sanchez precision: lovely bump
10:44 | Caio - Ramp2grind: I think this is old too, whatever, perfect execution
10:51 | FIGHTER - Freeway P2B: holy, this was some height for the freeway, congrats
10:57 | MadX - CSM: bit floaty, maybe it's just the rendering, nice one though!
11:05 | KhaimyK - Voodoo cop bump: not my thing, but that was a great height as well
11:14 | Rainbow - Taxi boost2prec: these boosts are exceptions, I love the precis with every vehicle, great landing mate
11:33 | Sport - Double wallride: one to remember, very nice execution, one of a kind stunt for sure, also great way to show it, hats off Simon to you too
11:54 | Ezraph - Car CSM: it was okay:)
12:01 | Blaze - Bounce2grind: one of my favourites, it was sexy as hell
12:07 | Angle.Fire - Bump2grind: pretty nice find, and execution, even if the camangle change looks dope, it did ruin it for me a little bit
12:17 | ToTy - P2B: noice, is it new?
12:27 | Theodore - P2B: it was okay:)
12:35 | Sheeptea - Natbump: that seems like a bitch place to land, nice one! how about the roof?
12:46 | Hedgehog - BSM: sexy
12:51 | SuhZin - Sanchez double bump: Barney owns this, but good to see it with a sanchez
12:58 | SyperDimon - Car double bump: almost like a SA infy stunt, nice!
13:06 | Dannye - Skimmer sequence: no words lmao, genius

13:37 | Outro: home

13:55 | Ezraph - Ramp2ledge grind: I liked this one more than the main ones, wish the grind was a bit longer
14:04 | Sorcery - Bonk2MAG: ofc it's a MAG, good job
14:11 | Enough - Grind: think it's old too and the execution was a bit meh, but nice!
14:19 | TN - Sanchez CSM2prec:same thing
14:28 | MadX - CSM: reminds me of hugo's P2B from Trinity, nice
14:36 | Theonly One - Sanchez CSM: retro one for sure:)
14:44 | Sheeptea - Muy stoppies2prec: cool  :P
14:53 | Skuller - Taxi boost: not sure what to think about this one, nice preci I guess  :lol:
15:04 | Theonly One - CSM: old, but pretty
15:12 | Rainbow - Long grind: wow this one had phases, unexpected for sure  :jajaja:
15:38 | puzzLe - ???: lul
15:49 | FIGHTER - CSM: is that a new place to stuck the ambulance? nice landing
16:06 | boxXx - CSM: it was okay:)
16:14 | Hedgehog - FBI bump: not the biggest FBI bump I've ever seen :lol:
16:24 | Dannye - Skimmer shenanigans: dude, you had fun I'm sure
16:43 | Ltab - Bump2grind2oof: that was sad, but nice :a-cheer:
16:51 | Max - Long freeway grind: reminds me of DJ Marchello, good job Maxy
17:08 | Haywire - Rampbump: coolio
17:13 | KhaimyK - Ledgegrind: a lil preci at the end would have been a chefs kiss
17:21 | Cooper - Stoppie2grind: retri again, like it
17:28 | SuhZin - CSM: nice spin there :D

17:40 | In Loving Memory of MaCi: great to see him for one last time:) thank you for including him!

Overall thoughts:
Instant classic, well done everyone!

Community Videos / Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
« on: October 15, 2024, 11:29:04 PM »
Is there anyone willing to create a review template?  :euro:

Community Videos / Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
« on: October 15, 2024, 01:25:57 AM »
Was thinking about a live review, but I saw it so many times already it wouldn't make sense anymore.

So first of all, holy shit, THE channel, so happy about it, seeing comments from old subscribers and stunters, who have left this site a long time ago was just heartwarming, they'd never found it if it wasn't for that channel.

The intro, the editing, the whole atmosphere of the video were flawless, the way those classic bars were sliding\sneaking in in the beginning of the first part was so cool, got me hooked instantly. The overall editing was fresh and clean, treated literally every stunt respectfully, all of them were clearly visible (the lighthouse part was top notch, beside the one of a kind stunt itself, perfection)

Great stunts also, the standouts were enough's huge psmgap2grind, DeathCobra's doublegrind, Rainbow's taxi preci, blaze's sexy bounce2kickorwhatever2grind and ofc Dannye's skimmer magic. My favourite was boxXx's psm2ledge2oneeighty2ledge it was executed perfectly, not sure what was the original idea, feels like you wanted something with the rails too, if not, hats off anyway.

I am also glad that I could be in video again with MaCi, especially on the official channel, truly amazing.

Great job everyone, thank you puzzLe, Simon and sheikah for doing this, this was way more epic, than I expected.  :P

Community Videos / Re: 2023/24 Vice City Community
« on: September 22, 2024, 11:06:32 PM »
Any news about this? :P

We're crossing t's and dotting i's at this point, some technical difficulties have set things back a bunch but it's still being worked on :)
Take your time, glad you took over the project  :happy: thanks for the info

Community Videos / Re: 2023/24 Vice City Community
« on: September 19, 2024, 04:07:34 AM »
Any news about this? :P

But you can delete your previous comments  :cc_detective: ARS's wallkick\backflip thingy grind was sexy

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: Afterparty
« on: July 19, 2024, 04:42:03 AM »
I really hate and love your editing style, especially in this video. :P Fun one guys  :a-cheer:

Aero Reapers Video Releases / Re: [SA] Biel x Beat - UNBOUNDED
« on: July 14, 2024, 06:29:05 AM »
holy shit  :euro: perfection, in every aspect

VC Chat & Support / Re: Maci Tribute
« on: May 05, 2024, 09:06:41 AM »
I have wallride to ledgegrind but im afraid its not good stunt
You gotta reland one(or more) of MaCi-s stunts.

Add me too please, I'd love to do something for this.

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Re: SHIT MUST GO ON
« on: April 19, 2024, 08:32:59 AM »

Overall many many great finds and some bangers, also ty for using the songs I "sent" through balsam :lol: Enjoyed this a lot! Good job everyone! :wub:
jolvanezigy :P

Community Videos / Re: 2023/24 Vice City Community
« on: March 21, 2024, 12:33:03 AM »
Any news?  :P

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: Stunters From Hell - AeternuM
« on: January 26, 2024, 04:07:45 AM »
What a video guys! Well done everyone involved! Loved the stunts and the editing, MaCi, Ltab and Cooper stood out for me.
The only thing I didn't like was the huge ass fov at the second part, that's terrible, don't do it  :lol:

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